European Day of Parks 2020
Juego interactivo "¿Cuánto sabes de los Parque Naturales?"
Juego interactivo con preguntar sobre los parque naturales de España.
Mira por la ventana al Parque en directo
Vamos a realizar una serie de publicaciones en las redes…
Euroopa Kaitsealade Päeva matk Rakvere Tammikus.
Rakvere tähistab Euroopa kaitsealade päeva matkaga “ Matk Rakvere Tammikus…
Spring flowers and birds in Puhtu-Laelatu and Tuhu nature reserves.
It will be a day of short hikes (total 5-6…
I Concurso de Microrrelatos del Parque Nacional de Monfragüe
Concurso de Microrrelatos con motivo del Día Europeo de los…
Ziua Parcurilor reală, cu prezență virtuală (Real Day of Parks with virtual attendance)
Celebrate along with us the European Day of Parks, on…
Parlem amb... Ermengol Gassiot, del grup d’arqueologia de l’alta muntanya (GAAM)
Directe d’Instagram. Parlem amb... Ermengol Gassiot, del grup d’arqueologia de…
Parlem amb... Jordi Serra Cobo, investigador de muixirecs (ratpenats) i expert en coronavirus.
Directe d’Instagram. Parlem amb... Jordi Serra Cobo, investigador de muixirecs…
Activitat d’observació astronòmica
Directe d’Instagram. Activitat d’observació astronòmica per a posar en valor…
Guided Canoe Trip on Raudna River
We are celebrating European Day of Parks with guided canoe…
Trip to the wetlands "Podlesí"
Nature walk for the public (incl. families, seniors and children).…
Un paseo virtual por el Parque Natural de las Lagunas de La Mata y Torrevieja
Durante la semana del 18 al 24 de mayo realizaremos…
EOI Embajadores del Parque Natural: Concurso literario "Verde que te quiero verde"
Se trata de una actividad on-line en el que la…
I CERTAMEN RECETARIO DE COMIDAS SANAS. Parques Naturales Bahía de Cádiz, Estrecho, La Breña y Marismas del Barbate, Sierra de Grazalema y Los Alcornocales.
Con motivo de la celebración del Día Europeo de los…
Exploring the Film Heritage of Lahemaa National Park
We take a short hike to explore the cultural heritage…
"Biodiversity of coastal meadows" (guided study visit)
Silma Nature Reserve is internationally important wetland. On 24 th…
Diuscovering of Emajõe Suursoo marsh on bogshoes
Emajõgi Suursoo was 100 years ago a densely populated area.…
Discovering of Haanja's hills and lakes by e-fatbikes
We are making e-fatbike trip to discover the natural pearls…
Early morning hiking trip to the Norra-Oostriku springs – Celebration of the European Day of Parks
On the 24th of May, the European Day of Parks…
Visiting castle Grad and existing exhibitions about Nature in Goričko Nature Park with guide
Guided tour trough the castle with Exhibitions: Magic Nature 2018,…
CEIP Ciudad del Mar: Embajadores del Parque Natural de La Mata-Torrevieja
A lo largo toda la semana del 18 al 24…
Family Day in Tipu Nature School
In Tipu Nature School we celebrate the European Day of…
Walking tour in Vilsandi National Park
Walking trip in Vilsandi National Park, lead by legendary local…
Video "La Red de Parques Nacionales para un mundo más saludable"
Video sobre la red de parques nacionales y la salud
Mapa interactivo del Parque Nacional de la Sierra de Guadarrama
Mapa interactivo dirigido a todo el público, para conocer mediante…
Trivial virtual sobre Salud y parques nacionales. Sorteo para los…
Itineraris panoràmics virtuals al Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu/ Panoramic virtual routes at Alt Pirineu Natural Park
Us proposem recórrer des de casa un dels itineraris virtuals…
Kõrvemaale luurele
Kutsume perekondi, sõpru Kõrvemaale luurele. Meiega koos on turvaline ja…
Dia Europeu dels Parcs 2020. Protegir la natura és protegir la nostra salut.
The Natural Parks of Catalonia have prepared videos highlighting the…
Forest bathing (Parkbathing)
Forest Bathing in a park during the Corona virus: The…
Discovering the diversity of hidden Brijuni nature
On the occasion of the International Day for Biological Diversity,…
Bike through history on the Brijuni Belvedere Trail
Brijuni National Park will celebrate the European Park's Day with…
Día de los Parques 2020. Casas del Parque de Ávila (España)
Se trata de un video dirigido a todos los públicos…
Día de los Parques 2020. Casas del Parque de Ávila (España)
Se trata de un video dirigido a todos los públicos…
European Day of Parks - Again in nature!
The Balaton Uplands National Park Directorate would be delighted if…
Hike on Jägala river protected area
About 9 km long hike on coasts of Jägala river.…
Getting back to nature
Junta-te a nós via Facebook para uma visita virtual durante…
A Coastal Walk that Rocks! A Virtual Adventure.
We would like to invite you to join us in…
Micro-stories contest
We have celebrate with a micro-stories contest. Selected micro-stories will…
Interview about EUROPARC and European day of Parks
We conduct an interview with director of Centre "Zapovedniks" Natalia…
Master class: How to stake a tree ?
Together with our experts, we are going to figure out…
Vídeo de los parques naturales de la provincia de Cádiz (Andalucía, España)
Con este vídeo queremos divulgar los valores naturales y el…
Memoria de tu Parque Natural
The activities consist of remembering the Sierra de Andújar Natural…
ReConnecting with Nature
We've started an online campaign focussing on the health benefits…
Special Online Edition #ParksForHealth
Due to the corona crisis, the European Day of Parks could not be celebrated face to face in many places. So, like with almost everything that year, we moved on online! In 2020 it was all about the importance of positive contact with nature for human health.
Parks & protected areas have an important mission connecting people with nature! We invited parks to join us by using #ParksForHealth. Additionally we collected video and audio material from our members to honor all Protected Areas do for us. With this, we created the following video:
Download the Media Outreach Report | Discover the activities organised in 2020| Download the Guidelines for Parks