Transboundary cooperation between Thayatal (AU) and Podyjí National Parks (CZ) being re-evaluated

Verifier Kari Lahti (FI), second from right during his verification mission for the re-evaluation of Thayatal (AU) and Podyjí National Parks (CZ) © Kari Lahti

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Transboundary Logo long ENIn the framework of EUROPARC’s Transboundary Parks Programme, the common work between the two parks has covered over the past few years joint research and monitoring projects like “Nature without borders” as well as many events for visitors.

Nature without borders was an important research and monitoring project which focused in several moduls on bats, spiders and beetles, snakes, wild cat, birds, butterflies and dead wood. Except data and research outcomes, several publications resulted from the project.

The two parks are glad that more and more people from both sides of the border are attending their events, another proof of the living cooperation. A cooperation not only between the two Protected Areas but also the communities.

The EUROPARC Federation is therefore very delighted to see the common work between Thayatal (AU) and Podyjí National Parks (CZ) being intensified again. The re-evaluation mission for the Transboundary Certificate seemed promising and everybody is curiously awaiting the verifier’s report.

Two more Transboundary Areas are up for re-evaluation this year. Neusiedlersee-Seewinkl (AU) and Fertö-Hanság National Parks (HU) that were already visited, and Bavarian Forest (DE) and Šumava National Parks (CZ) that will be re-evaluated mid June. If their assessments are successful, they will receive their renewed Transboundary Certificate during the EUROPARC Conference, 26th- to 27th October in Regensburg.

Nature knows no boundaries and this cooperation is obviously a great example of how parks can, in collaboration, manage more effectively Europe’s natural resources and aspire to be models of sustainable development.

To learn more about the Transboundary Parks Programme, visit our dedicated webpage.
