ProPark DBU platform for online courses
On the 22nd of June,, the platform for online courses dedicated to future Protected Area specialists, has been opened to the public.
The first online session in 2015 is accesible to 85 selected participants that have been targeted amongst people directly or indirectly involved in the management of Protected Areas, as well as students enthusiastic and motivated to start working for Protected Areas.
During and after 6 weeks of intensive study within the virtual platform, the students will be evaluated. Based on the results, the first 30 students will participate at face to face sessions to become the first certified Protected Area Specialists in Romania.
The platform is developed within the project „Increasing education opportunities on sustainable development for Protected Area managers in Romania“ implemented by Propark Foundation for Protected Areas with the help of EUROPARC Federation and financed by DBU – Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (German Federal Foundation Environment).