We Need Money – workshop at EUROPARC Conference 2016
It is less than one week left for the beginning of EUROPARC Conference and, for those of you who couldn’t decide yet if attending or not, we want to introduce you to one of the most interesting topics that we will be covering within our program; fund raising.
Problems finding money? You are not alone…
Money has always been one of the biggest challenges when running an organization, and protected areas are not an exception. Its availability plays a major role in our way to success, and therefore we invest great part of our time and effort in finding money, managing money and trying to make the most of our money.
However, money is becoming increasingly harder to find, so new financing solutions are being explored all around Europe to keep institutions well nourished. For some Protected Areas, this solution resides in forming partnerships with private companies and to establishing good work relationships with corporate sponsors.
But, what kind of sponsorships work for parks? And what ethical considerations should be taken into account when building a relationship with companies that may not be a sustainability model?
Join the workshop “We Need Money”
In order to answer this questions, we want to invite you to join the workshop “We Need Money” at EUROPAR Conference. In it, we will explore what Protected Areas do to find the funding they need, and we will learn from two specific examples from two of our members: Hohe Tauern National Park in Austria, and De Hoge Veluwe National Park in the Netherlands. Likewise, you will have the opportunity to learn and discuss with other attendants about different approachs being taken around Europe.
Places are still open, meet us at Parc Jura Vaudois for this and other exciting workshops. More information at the EUROPARC Conference website.
Join us at EUROPARC Conference 2016!