Siggen Seminar 2017: Sustainable Agriculture
Biodiversity in agriculture, Waterboard Rivierenland at the Maas-Schwalm-Nette Nature Park, Transboundary park - Germany and the Netherlands
EUROPARC organises annually a Seminar in Gut Siggen, north Germany, thanks to the generosity of the Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S.. The Siggen Seminars are always an excellent opportunity to exchange knowledge, share experience and establish professional contacts – fundamental activities for those working in the international context of conservation.
Siggen Seminar 2017
Protected Areas for Sustainable Agriculture: Sharing experiences from across Europe that support agriculture in Protected Areas
This year, the Siggen Seminar will run from 10th-13th*March and will focus on Protected Areas promoting Sustainable Agriculture initiatives that:
- contribute to protect habitats and species;
- improve landscape management;
- support the work landowners and farmers, and resulting in high-quality productions.
In particular, we will be looking at some partnership and management practices from France, Italy and Ireland, with inputs from other organisations, with a view to developing new guidance and models to improve the cooperation between protected areas and the farming community.
Our seminars are always fun, lively, interactive and informative. We also aim to make them relevant to the work of Protected Areas and certainly are a valuable chance to learn from others across Europe. We ask participants to come prepared with case studies or example that we can work through.
So, if you have agriculture production in or around your Protected Area and, want to understand and develop more sustainable agriculture practices then this is the seminar for you!
We will also look to the creation of a Sustainable Agriculture commission for EUROPARC to take forward this area of work, developing tools and good practice guidance for the future.
- *IF you are interested in participating in the meeting of the new EUROPARC commission then please foresee a departure on Monday 13th March. All others can depart on Sunday afternoon 12th March. You must indicate this preference at the time of registration in order that we can correctly reserve your accommodation.
The seminar will bring together EUROPARC members, especially from national agencies, regional governments and parks. Participants will meet fellow Protected Area managers from across Europe in a relaxing and fun atmosphere and return back renewed, refreshed and invigorated in their work!
Register for Siggen Seminar 2017
Registration closes on March 1st (or when places are filled)
Places are limited so please book early!
Programme: download the draft programme here
Location: The Siggen Estate (Gut Siggen), Siggen, Germany (more details on how to reach Siggen in the document above, page 4) download the travel information
Costs: The seminar is FREE for members of the EUROPARC Federation. Participants will therefore ONLY cover their own travel to and from the event.
Registration form: download the registration form and send it back to office @