Adaptation to climate change in protected areas
The Climate is changing, bringing changes that affect the life of every being on earth. Nature was never so threatened – nor so needed – as before.
The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we crop, they all depend on the quality of our ecosystems. Hence, more than ever, it is necessary to develop criteria to guide actions for climate change adaption. This will require strengthening mechanisms for collaboration between scientists and managers of protected areas.
At EUROPARC Conference 2017, we will have a dedicated workshop to discuss how can Parks incorporate measures for climate change adaption and mitigation.
Adaptation to climate change in protected areas
Earlier this year, EUROPARC Spain launched a practical manual for Protected Area technicians and decision makers to better Incorporate Climate Change Mitigation Actions in management Plans.
Management plans are the main and most important tool for natural areas, as they set biodiversity and conservation targets along with indicators and evaluation criteria. However, while other drivers of climate change (like changes in land use, invasive species or
pollution) are well identified and targeted in management plans, the attention shown to climate change is very scant, often non-existent.
EUROPARC Spain, with the support of several experts on climate, protected area technicians and researchers, defined criteria and compiled a roadmap for considering climate change in all phases of the planning process.
The manual is available in Spanish (with executive-summary in English)
From theory to practice: how to implement?
Adaptation to climate change in protected areas should be based on an ecosystem approach, aiming for the protection of the natural resources and ecosystem services provided to society.
Facing this complex challenge requires the establishment of alliances at administration level with the different sectors of society. Within workshop 10- Changing Climate, Changing Parks, on EUROPARC Conference, EUROPARC Spain will introduce the findings of the book and share good practice – both in the development of planning tools and in the design of conservation projects.
Case study 1
Incorporating climate change adaptation into planning and management. Experiences from Spain.
Jose Atauri, EUROPARC Spain (ES)
How to include climate change measures in our job? Tools to incorporate climate change adaptation measures in the cycle of planning and management of protected areas will be presented.
Case study 2
Planning Protected Areas – Adaption to Climate Change in Catalonia
Leonardo Bejarano, Generalitat de Catalunya (ES)
Leonardo will share the proceedings for incorporating climate change adaptation criteria in the planning and management of a protected areas network system of a regional government. Pilot cases, good practice and support tools in the field of adaptation to climate change in protected areas in Catalonia will also be shared.
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