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Grand parc MJS Photo Hubert Canet Balloid
Grand Parc Miribel Jonage – Segapal

Grand parc MJS
Photo Hubert Canet Balloid
Grand Parc Miribel Jonage is a public park that extends for 2200 hectares at the gates of the city of Lyon. Therefore, it is one of the biggest periurban parks in Europe, in plain of the Rhone river. The presence of water is the key for forming the park’s identity. besides ensuring nature protection, the park provides also many possibilities to visitors and large benefits to the local community, such as drinking water, flooding protection, local produce (agriculture), nature education and many more.

Grand parc MJS
Photo Hubert Canet Balloid
Grand Parc Miribel Jonage has three main sectors:
- the downstream portion of the site, developed as a nautical and sports leisure area,

Grand parc MJS
Photo Mathilde André
- the heart of the site, with exceptional riches linked to the presence of water,

Grand parc MJS
Photo Chloé Bernard
- the upstream portion, consisting of protected nature areas and agricultural lands.

Grand parc MJS
Photo Maxime Dechelette

Grand parc MJS
Photo Mathilde André
Parco Groane

Photo Roberto Sanvito Thousands of people attend the PARCO GROANE every week to practice sports, walking, biking
Parco Groane is a regional protected area that extends for 3,800 hectares within the great metropolis north of Milan.

Photo Roberto Sanvito
VIA ACQUA The waterway (Via dAcqua) is a channel system that leads to the Expo 2015 site. In parallel runs a cycle route
Among houses, palaces and industries, the last forests of large oaks and towering pine trees survive, thanks to their protection. Vast moors are colored by the intense flowering at the end of summer. Old ruins of furnaces mark the landscape with their walls and bricks, and ancient patrician villas – with their gardens – remind us the landscape of the past.

Photo Roberto Sanvito
The Regional Park was established in 1976, by the strong will of the municipalities and the Lombardy Region, and since 1984 has a Territorial Plan that regulates the use of the areas, in harmony between nature conservation, agriculture, and tourism.

Photo Roberto Sanvito PARCO GROANE is covered by a system of cycle lanes of 50 Km
The Parco delle Groane is managed by a public law body, between the municipalities concerned, the Provinces of Milan and Monza and Brianza and the Municipality of Milan. The objectives of the Body concern in particular the purchase of land in the Park, the reforestation of bare areas, the improvement of forests, nature conservation and environmental education.
In this environment, which has escaped urbanization, the Groane Park Authority has created a network of cycle paths, which allow you to immerse yourself in the green, without leaving the city. The Parco delle Groane manages the cycle and connects with voluntary guides.
Ministry for Energy and Spatial Planning

Ministry for Energy and Spatial Planning
Working together is essential for rural areas. The Luxembourgish Ministry for Energy and Spatial Planning is aware of the importance of nature parks.
The Department of Spatial Planning ensures the coordination of municipal, intermunicipal, national, cross-border and international sectoral policies that have an impact on territorial development.
The spatial planning policy aims to ensure respect for the general interest by ensuring optimal living conditions for the entire population through the sustainable development of all parts of the national territory. In this context, it ensures rational use of the land and concentric and coherent urban development.
The different fields of activity of the Department of Spatial Planning are, therefore:
- Territorial strategies,
- Regulatory plans,
- Urban and regional development,
- Natural parks,
- Cross-border spatial planning,
- European territorial cooperation,
- International spatial planning policy.
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