“Our Natural Treasures” the European Day of Parks 2019
The European Day of Parks is a commemorative day for Protected Areas across Europe that was launched in 1999 by the EUROPARC Federation to celebrate Protected Areas throughout Europe. It celebrates the creation of the 1st National Parks in Europe – a set of nine parks created in Sweden in 1909.
2019: Our Natural Treasures
Our Protected Areas are made of amazing landscapes, incredible species and unique habitats. What are the Natural Treasures your park is protecting? What is the story of that endangered species that live in your Park?
In 2019, the European Days of Parks is a call to reconnect with nature, to highlight the natural treasures that make your Park so special!
Organise your events!
We invite all protected areas to organise events in and around the 24th of May. The European day of Parks (EDoP) aims at bringing people closer to Nature by offering a diversity of activities and events in Protected Areas across the EUROPARC Network. The events address people of all ages: children, youngsters, young adults, families and seniors – everyone can participate in local events organised by Parks and regional authorities!
You might set up a guided tour through your Park, a special wildlife watching programme or a night tour to observe the amazing night creatures! Get your Junior Rangers and Youth on board and make them lead the activities in your Park: they can tell your visitors all about a special species, monument or habitat.
Involve your local schools in handcraft activities, such as creating nests or feeding stations, creating sculptures of your main species or maquettes of the existing habitats. Preferably, you would take them out, plant trees, teach them how to identify mammals footprints and drops, or how to identify birds by their singing. There is a whole set of activities you can organise in your Park to invite your Community!
Once you have defined your events, don’t forget to register them here.
Promotion Tools in your language!
Download the official poster and web banners to promote your event. This year, you can personalise your poster with the “Natural Treasures” of your Park! Posters available in landscape and portrait.

There are 3 printable posters available in your language! You can use the main one (on the left) or adapt one of the other versions.
An automatic download will start when you click over your language. NOTE: All images are in .png format, so you can easily edit them in paint, word or even powerpoint. If you need the editable file (.ai or .eps) or a higher resolution please contact us to edop @ europarc.org.
Albanian | Armenian | Azerbaijani | Bosnian | Catalan | Croatian | Czech | Dutch | English | Estonian | French | Finnish | Galego | Georgian | German | Greek | Hungarian | Icelandic | Italian | Latvian | Lithuanian | Macedonian | Polish | Portuguese | Romanian | Serbian | Slovakian | Slovenian | Spanish | Swedish | Welsh
If you are not interested in using the official posters, you can also download the logo and use it in your activities.
Haven’t found tools in your language?
No problem! Just have to send us to edop @ europarc.org the translation of “Our Natural Treasures” and we will be delighted to produce tools in your language!
About the European Day of Parks
Imagine a day when all Parks and Protected Areas come together across Europe, celebrate their successes and declare the value and benefits of Europe’s Protected Areas to communities, decision-makers and the wider public. Well, it is EUROPARC’s European Day of Parks!
Every year European Day of Parks takes place on and around 24th of May. It aims to bring people closer to nature and raise public awareness on the importance of the natural beauty preserved in Protected Areas and the importance of conservation and sustainable management of those places.
Check here to see the previous editions.