European Youth Week 2019
It is time for the European Youth Week 2019, an opportunity for discussions with policy-makers and young people in the European Parliament that will open its doors to hundreds of participants.
What is the European Youth Week?
Every second year, the European Youth Week aims to celebrate and promote youth activities through events organised in all countries participating in the Erasmus+ programme. Next grass root activities at a national level, the European Youth Week will bring together young people, project participants, youth organisations and policy-makers in a European event held in Brussels at the European Parliament.
From 29 April to 5 May, events will be taking place across Europe under the theme “Democracy and me”.
The goal is to explore all the ways young people can influence decisions and be active in society.
Leonardo Cerno, ex-Junior Ranger and active member implementing the EUROPARC Youth Manifesto in Italy (Prealpi Giulie Nature Park) will be the voice of protected areas in the meeting, share his experience working with the park authority and the creation of a local Youth Council, and, of course, will present them the EUROPARC Youth Manifesto!
Why “Democracy and me”?
Because you can influence decisions that influence your life! Upcoming European elections on 23-26 May are approaching. Make sure that this time you are voting.
Also because what happens between elections is equally important for a democracy to thrive: getting involved in voluntary work, talking to policy-makers or making yourself heard in other ways in order to attract attention to the issues that are important, be they climate change or youth unemployment.
Democracy is a value that we may take for granted, but in Europe, we have developed and nurtured it for years. It’s ours. It’s our voices. It’s our achievement. It’s you.
Who organises the European Youth Week?
A European event is organised by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture in partnership with the European Parliament and involving other Directorates-General of the European Commission. At the national level, organisation and coordination are entrusted to the Erasmus+ National Agencies in close cooperation with the Eurodesk network.