Partner wanted for a youth engagement project

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An international approach: Partner wanted for a youth engagement project!

Jackie Wragg is the Youth Engagement Officer with Moors for the Future and South West Peak Landscape Partnership in the UK. In 2018 she started the survey “The Natural World and Me” about youth engagement. She is now looking for another project on an international level to partner up with in order to bring an international link to the survey and future analysis.

About the survey

In her role as youth engagement officer Jackie developed an anonymous survey for young people aged 11 to 18. The survey can be completed on PC or smartphone/tablet and takes participants around 10 minutes to complete. The aim is to gather data that measures:

  • level of connectedness to nature
  • level of understanding of ecosystem services
  • appreciation and attitudes towards environmental issues
  • the participants likelihood to take a number of different positive actions towards the environment/their connection to nature

The survey has been ongoing since 2018 and allows the monitoring of the impacts of a range of engagement measures, resulting in a deeper understanding of the audience (in terms of youth engagement) and also allows measurements on impacts of the different youth engagement activities employed. Through the survey, Jackie can find out which of the programmes are most effective and in which areas they achieve the most and best results.

The data is a useful resource to support a wide range of research questions. As the survey started in late 2018 it is already possible to look at temporal trends that could illustrate the growing awareness of, and concern about issues of environment and sustainability amongst young people.

An international approach

Now Jackie is looking for an international partner so data can be collected from a similar project across international borders. This way there are more opportunities to utilise the data, make comparisons and to observe differences in responses of young people to engagement measures made.

What would be wonderful is to pair up with another project delivering similar outcomes to ours in youth engagement who would like to try and include some of their audience in the survey. This may or may not require translation and we could discuss that if a project did want to get involved. – Jackie Wragg

Results and potential

There have been 326 responses from July 2018 to February 2020. Due to the current situation regarding COVID-19, engagement activities are of course on hold. However the aim is to gather post-engagement responses once the engagement activities in Protected Areas resumes.

Is your protective area interested in participating the project? Feel free to contact Jackie Wragg for additional information.


Jackie Wragg, Youth Engagement Officer with Moors for the Future and South West Peak Landscape partnership in the UK, here she runs two EUROPARC Junior Ranger Groups in the Peak District National Park.

