[WEBINAR] Sustainable Tourism – Training for Tomorrow
This webinar on the 23rd of November at 14:00 CET will look at the new online tool to help learning about Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas.
In this webinar, we’ll introduce an inspiring online learning platform, filled with key information on topics such as effective visitor communication, monitoring, conservation through tourism, reducing impacts and much more. It includes interesting European case studies, follow up resources and quizzes. The platform is targeted at anyone with an interest in sustainable tourism in Protected Areas.
Sign up here
by Carol Ritchie, EUROPARC Federation
Guided tour on the platform
by Elke Hermans, Hasselt University, coordinator of the Erasmus+ STTfT project
Introduction of the platform containing new and inspiring material on sustainable tourism for protected area stakeholders
Testimonial of a platform user
by Sara Zappini, Terme di Rabbi (IT)
Case studies on Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas
- Gomera Experience: an inspiring tool to promote ecotourism for businesses in La Gomera (Spain)
By Manuel Fernando Martín, Sustainable Tourism Association of La Gomera - Conservation through tourism – Mobilisation of volunteers for the creation and rehabilitation of mountain bike circuits
By Olaf Holm, Parc naturel regional de la Montagne de Reims
- Gomera Experience: an inspiring tool to promote ecotourism for businesses in La Gomera (Spain)
Let’s talk about it
All participants have the opportunity to exchange on the topics discusses and/or to ask questions.
Announcement “Train the Trainer” Event
Upcoming in 2021: an offer for potential trainers on Sustainable Tourism development in Protected Areas.
Get to know the speakers!
Carol Ritchie is the Executive Director of the EUROPARC Federation. She is responsible for the smooth running of all the Federation Directorate and its work. Carol operates across Europe to represent the Federation’s interest and to support the work of the President and Council.
Elke Hermans is professor in tourism and transport at Hasselt University in Belgium. Her teaching and research activities focus on sustainable tourism and transport. She is the coordinator of the Erasmus+ “Sustainable Tourism: Training for Tomorrow” project.
Sara Zappini is the Director of Terme di Rabbi, a thermal and wellness spa in the Stelvio National Park. Health, wellness and nature are her landmarks in managing the Thermae in the Rabbi Valley, which lays at the heart of the National Park.
Manuel Fernando Martín is the Vice president of the Sustainable Tourism Association of La Gomera, which collaborates with the Garajonay National Park and is committed to promoting sustainable tourism on the island.
Olaf Holm is the director of Parc naturel regional de la Montagne de Reims in France. The Park’s missions is to aim to protect and enhance its unique landscapes, natural and cultural heritage. Additionally, Olaf is a member of the EUROPARC council.
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