Final outputs of the Sustainable Tourism Training for Tomorrow project

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For the past three years, the Erasmus+ Project “Sustainable Tourism Training for Tomorrow” (STTfT) has worked on building the capacity of Protected Area stakeholders in the field of sustainable tourism. Now the project is coming to an end and the final outputs were delivered: a Training Toolkit and the Recommendations for Policy and Practice report. You can learn more about them here: 

Training Toolkit

One of the main outcomes of the STTfT project was the free online learning platform. Here, users can learn more about key training needs that are currently experienced by professionals working on sustainable tourism in Protected Areas. The platform provides 9 learning modules in 4 languages (English, French, Italian and Spanish), based on the key topics of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism. To complement this online training platform, a Training Toolkit was developed.

The toolkit has been created to provide supporting materials and resources for those who wish to provide learning experiences on Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas. It was designed to support different levels of experience in training, facilitation or capacity-building. As such, it provides both introductory guidance for those who never developed or delivered training, as well as a collection of resources that both experienced and inexperienced trainers can use. Like the online learning platform, the toolkit is available in English, French, Italian and Spanish.

The Toolkit consists of two parts. Part A provides a brief introduction to key concepts and areas that a trainer needs to consider when preparing a training programme or activity, and signposts the reader to useful complementary resources to explore those concepts in more depth. The resources provided comes largely from the EUROPARC led “Train the Trainer” Moodle course that took place online at the beginning of this year.

Part B provides a compilation of 40 activity outlines aligned to the 9 learning topics of the online training platform. These aim to provide practical guidance for the running of specific training activities that explore topics, concepts and case studies covered in the platform.

Taken together, both Parts A and B of this Toolkit can help anyone learn how to prepare for, organise and facilitate participatory capacity-building sessions with different stakeholders in Protected Areas.

You can find the Training Toolkit here

Recommendations for Policy and Practice

Another outcome of the STTfT project is the’ Recommendation for Policy and Practice’ report. It provides a summary of the outputs, insights and lessons learned throughout this project. These aim to serve as recommendations for practitioners and policy-makers, that can then build on the project’s deliverables to continue to develop skills for sustainable tourism in European Protected Areas and beyond.

The report is structured along the following main sections, that aim to answer the corresponding key questions:

  • Why the need for this project;
  • What are the training needs on sustainable tourism in Protected Areas;
  • How to accelerate the development of sustainable tourism skills in Protected Areas;
  • What recommendations can be made, from this project

You can find the Recommendations Report here

Training for Tomorrow

EUROPARC was incredibly happy to have had the chance to participate in this project that could draw from the experiences of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism. We believe that the importance of online training will continue to grow, especially accelerated due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The free online learning platform will stay available, and we encourage everyone that wants to develop sustainable tourism in Protected Areas to make use of all it has to offer (this includes videos, case studies and quizzes), because training for the sustainable tourism of tomorrow, starts today.
