Workshops Presentations 2016

Workshop "We Are Sustainable Farmers" at EUROPARC Conference 2016, Le Sentier, Switzerland © Brian Dunne

1. Nous sommes des chartistes (FR)

L’Implication locale des habitants est un atout pour les parcs. Comment solliciter les habitants ? Quels projets et actions existent déjà ? Comment fonctionne la Charte des habitants du Parc Jura vaudois ? Quel type de partenariat est nécessaire entre les habitants et le parc ? Que peut-on faire quand les relations ne sont pas bonnes ?


Case study 1: Charte des habitants du Parc Jura vaudois (CH)

Case study 2: Réseaus des 150 Ambassadeurs du Parc Loire-Anjou-Touraine (FR)

2. We are the People who can decide (EN/FR)

How we manage protected areas has a great influence on how we can move things forward and engage the population. Therefore it is important to implicate the local population and stakeholders. Protected areas include exceptional landscapes and a rich natural and cultural heritage. They play an important role in the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable development.

Presentation and Flipchart

Case study 1: Parco Locarnese presented by Samantha Bourgouin (CH)

Case study 2: Regional Park Chasseral by Fabien Vogelsperger (CH)

 3. We are Learning (EN)

Sometimes plans do not come to fruition and we need to learn what may have gone wrong and how to do better. Sometimes projects do not fulfil their potential. Can we learn why? Are we brave enough to examine our mistakes and learn from them?

Case study 1: Parc Adula (CH)

4. We are Wetland management and restoration (EN)

What is the current state of wetlands in Europe? Who manages them? What is their value to people? Why protect them? What is the best way to manage and exploit them? How can large peatlands used by agriculture become areas of sustainable paludiculture?


Case study 1: Mires in the Jura mountains (Franche-Comté – FR) and Massif central (FR), with two projects aiming to the functional restoration of a network of sites on French highlands, presented by Francis Muller, Fédération des Conservatoires d’espacesnaturels / Pôle-relais tourbières (FR)
Case study 2: Life to ad(d)mire restoration project, presented by Kristofer Paulsson, Swedish environmental agency

5. We manage nature regional landscape Parks (EN)

How we manage our parks has a great bearing on how we can get things done and how we can involve people. Let’s look at different governance systems and learn from them.

Covering up to 25 per cent of the land in individual states, Nature-Regional Landscape parks play a vital role in the wide network of protected areas across the whole of Europe. They comprise outstanding landscapes with a special wealth of natural and cultural heritage with a forward-looking role in the conservation of biological diversity, nature and the countryside, in nature-oriented recreation and sustainable tourism, and in the sustainable development of rural areas.

We manage nature regional landscape parks – Presentation and Flipchart

Case study 1: ‘Europe’s Nature-Regional-Landscape Parks’ by Verband Deutscher Naturparke (DE)
Case study 2: Governance Learning Network Europe

6. We are Friends (EN)

How Friends of parks groups can be an asset for parks. Learn from experiences of Friends groups working to support parks across Europe as to how to “get by with a little help from our Friends “.

We Are Friends of Parks – Presentation and Flipchart

Case study 1: Friends Groups in Finland (FI), Lasse Loven
Case study 2: Friends of Schwarzwald National park, Germany (DE), Hubertus Welt
Case study 3: People, the wild and adaptive bioeconomy governance: Creative symbiosis in knowledge production and policy making (CREBIO) (FI)

7. We are Youth (EN)

An increasing number of young people (aged 13-17) involved in Junior Ranger programmes turn youth (18+) and remain keen, motivated and passionate about their Protected areas and want to stay involved. Here we gather best practise from across Europe to help us develop a new Youth + programme for EUROPARC.

We are Youth –  Flipchart

Case Study 1: Youth + programme in Dutch National parks (NL)
Case Study 2: Youth + from Cairngorms National Park (UK)

8. We are Healthy Parks (EN)

We can all agree that physical activity and contact with nature is essential for human health. However, as this is a relatively new field of work there has been a clear need to build the evidence base to demonstrate the public health benefits that Protected Areas provide. Find out how parks and agencies in Europe have opened up new areas of work and funding ensuring parks and the health centres of the future…

We are Helthy Parks – Presentation and Flipchart

Case study 1: Health and PA and agency approach, SNH Scotland (UK)
Case study 2: Susanne Rosenild, Municipality of Vordingborg, Denmark (DN)

9. We are Volunteers (EN)

Working with volunteers in Parks is very rewarding but also can present some management challenges. Getting people involved in biodiversity management in particular through “citizen science” projects is a god way to connect people to nature and have some useful data collected. Voluntary Ranger too are a way where citizens can work closely in their park. We learn of some positive experiences from around Europe.


Case study 1: “Moors for the Future” Citizen Science, Peak district National Park (UK)
Case study 2: Volunteering programs at national environmental agency of Iceland (IS)

10. We need Money (EN)

Money makes the parks go around and it is becoming harder to find. It can often be difficult to develop relationships with private companies and create good sponsorship. Some parks in Europe however have done just that. Find out how they found the money they needed.


Case study 1: Example of Hohe Tauren National Park, Austria (AT)
Case Study 2: Economical model from De Hoge Veluwe National Park, The Netherlands (NL)

11. We are Communicators (EN)

Humans are social animals and communication is essential for us to understand each other, this is no less important in parks trying to deliver positive communication to both wide and specific audiences. Let’s investigate some innovative old and new communication tools and styles that deliver strong messages that change hearts and minds!

We are Communicators – Presentation and Flipchart

Case study 1: Dark Sky Region Eifel – A Protected Area for Nocturnal Habitats and Starry Night Sky around Eifel National Park, Germany (DE)

Case study 2: Nature Concerthall project, presented by Silvija Nora Kalnins, project Director

Case study 3: Murgia Pulita (English and Italian)

12. We are sustainable Farmers (EN)

Our relationship with food is intimate, it is connected deeply to our cultures and landscapes. Yet in a rapidly urbanised population people are losing contact with their food sources. Protected areas have the potential to be places where people and farming can live, work and learn how to manage the land sustainably. This workshop brings examples from across Europe, and will discuss how we can achieve a better understanding between nature conservation and farming perspectives.

We are Sustainable Farmers – Presentation and Flipchart

Case study 1: Sustainable uplands agriculture scheme from Wicklow Uplands, Ireland (IR)
Case study 2: LAG Development Centre NGO and Lahemaaa National Park, Estonia (EE)

13. We support N2000 (EN)

N2000 is the European designation for nature conservation, but often has experienced problems locally with lack of people being involved or difficult conflicts. How can people participate in the management of nature and learn to love their N2000 sites? Examples from Europe will share their challenges and solutions!

We Support Natura 2000 –  Presentation and Flipchart

Case study 1: České Středohoří PLA, Czech Republic (CZ)
Case study 2: Gorges du Tarn et de la Jonte, France (FR)

14. We are concerned about climate change (EN)

What is the role that protected areas play in climate change, since they are both adapting and being affected as well as being mitigators to ameliorate the effects. Which information sources are available to protected areas to help their future management needs and how can we best monitor change?  Find out how some parks in Europe are tackling this issue.

We Are Concerned about Climate Change, Presentation and Flipchart

Case study 1: Gran Paradiso National Park, Italy (IT)

15. We develop sustainable tourism (EN/FR)


Parks are playing an important role by developing and promoting sustainable tourism worldwide. On the local, regional and even national level, they can be catalysts for sustainability. Therefore, parks are committed to establish a basis for cooperation, shared knowledge and a common understanding in the field of sustainable tourism – The key for achieving longlasting success in this field resides in the implementation of a bottom up process involving all touristic stakeholders throughout the whole value chain (information/transport/accommodation/food/activities).

We develop sustainable tourism – Flipchart

Case Study 1: Task sharing between park & tourism, Anne-Laure Bloüet, Tourism Project Manager, Brière Regional Nature Park, France (FR)
Case Study 2: Promoting parks & sustainable tourism, Sabina Brack, Marketing Summer, Switzerland Tourism (CH)
Case Study 3: Cooperation between park & tour operators and innovative projects of sustainable tourism, Bruno Daversin, Sustainable Tourism Project Manager, Cévennes National Park, France (FR)

Case Study 4: Parks’ potential for local tourism offices, Cédric Paillard, Head of Vallée de Joux tourisme (CH)