EUROPARC Spain announces a Master of Natural Protected Areas

Learning © Europarc Federation

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EUROPARC Spain in collaboration with Fernando Gonzalez Bernaldez Foundation for natural areas (FUNGOBE) announced the 16th edition of the Master of Protected Natural Areas, organised jointly by the Autonoma University of Madrid, Complutense University of Madrid and Alcalá University. The Master is addressed either to staff of protected areas who wish to develop and update their knowledge, as well as for young graduates interested on pursuing a career in nature conservation and land management. The course is organized in two terms and a field trip.

Students will learn about Planning and management; Ecosystem management; Sustainable development and ecosystem services; Public use; Management, monitoring and evaluation; GIS for protected areas; Participation and communication; Protected Areas in Latin America and the Mediterranean; Agri-environment schemes and Common Agricultural Policy.

The course begins in February and ends in December 2016. Applications are opened until the 31th October 2015.

More information (in Spanish) is available at