Call for new Verifiers – European Charter for Sustainable Tourism

Hoge Kempen Regional Landscape, Belgium

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The European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas (ECSTPA) is a practical management tool that enables Protected Areas to develop tourism sustainably, bringing environmental, social and economic benefits to the region.

sustianble tourism, protected areas, charter, europarc

Good for Parks, Good for People – ECSTPA benefits, conditions and guidelines

The ECSTPA has been implemented over the past decades in several European countries and a wide range of expertise and experience has been built up. Up to now, 144 protected areas have been certified as Charter areas and this number is likely to increase over the years. Central to the ECSTPA is its evaluation process, and with the use of the ECSTPA becoming so widespread it is very important that the evaluation process maintains its high standards and credibility.

To learn more about the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas read the brochure “Good for Parks, Good for People”.

Charter Verifiers

At the heart of the evaluation process are the verifiers – a European network of experts and experienced professionals. The last verifiers training was held in 2011, and in order to ensure that standards are maintained and improved it is proposed to train new verifiers, especially for those countries where the interest in the Charter is growing and to anticipate new developments in Charter parks across Europe.

As a member’s organisation we want not only to support the work of your park or organisation, but to offer opportunities not just to develop your skills and experience, but also to share that experience with others.

The opportunity to train as a verifier of the ECTSPA, will give you a chance to join a network of international professionals in the field of sustainable tourism and protected areas. The benefits of being a verifier include the opportunity to visit various European Protected Areas, by learning and assessing their various work produced, gain knowledge and understanding of the operational context of a protected area and how this has engaged with its stakeholders, the possibility to meet with various professionals and local experts, and assess the work done at the local level.

Become a Charter Verifier: What is needed

  • In order to become a verifier you will need to show a proven expertise in the field of protected areas, sustainable tourism and participatory planning/community engagement.
  • Verifiers will have to adhere to the code of conduct of the Federation and act as their ambassador and representative during their given assignments.
  • Verifiers will have to ensure high quality and timely delivery of the verification reports in English.
  • It is therefore required an excellent command of English (europass C2 writing) so to submit a clear, smoothly-flowing description or argument in a style appropriate to the context and with an effective logical structure which helps the Evaluation Committee to notice and remember significant points.
  • It is also required a proven previous knowledge of the operative context of protected areas, experience in the field of sustainable tourism.
  • Please note that availability on training dates is mandatory!

If you are interested and if you think you can fulfil the criteria, then apply to become a Verifier.

What to do

To apply to become a verifier please send your CV (in English) along with the completed form below by Friday, 1st July (23:59) so that we can start the selection procedure. We will confirm if you have been selected in early August. Training it will take place in Siggen in Northern Germany from 14th to 17th November 2016.  It is mandatory to attend. We will send out a draft programme. Travel costs up to €350 will be reimbursed. Room and board are included.

The training will involve sessions looking at both programmes in relation to the EUROPARC strategy and sessions looking at how to verify a charter area. Communications skills and an in-depth look at the application forms and procedures is also included.

People who take part in the seminar will be expected to use their training exclusively for the Federation and to be available as verifiers for the Federation once or twice a year as a charter verifier.

Download the form below and send it back to info @, along with a motivation letter explaining why you want to become a charter verifier.
