Training opportunities for Protected Areas’ staff
Capacity building is at the core of our work in the Federation. EUROPARC members can benefit from several opportunities developed by the Directorate and the Federation sections: join an annual training seminar organised in Siggen, participate in the several workshops organised during our Annual Conference, or even benefit from the numerous tools we provide to our members, like the Communications Toolkit, specially designed to improve communication skills of Natura 2000 managers.
Despite the opportunities within the Federation and EUROPARC sections, there are some interesting opportunities for improving your skills in different fields. EUROPARC Federation curated for you 5 interesting trainings, from governance of protected areas, to management tools, geospatial software and certified training for guides. And there is even a discount for EUROPARC members in a special training in Spain!
The European Parks Academy
Klagenfurt, Austria, 11-16 July 2016
This summer, protected areas professionals will have a unique chance to develop their skills and learn about the emerging trends, new approaches and technologies in protected areas.
The European Parks’ Academy (EPA) is a summer school with seminars, which will take place in July, in Klagenfurt, Austria. The programme has been elaborated in collaboration with IUCN WCPA, together with partners in Austria and with support of the Austrian Ministry of Environment. The first two modules will be on “Governance of protected areas” and “Financial management of protected areas”.
The seminars of EPA focus on new international and European standards, policies and guidelines and their implementation in protected areas, such as policies of IUCN, Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, UNESCO or Convention on Biodiversity.
Registration is open now as well as the application for scholarships!
More information is available here and in the flyer. For any questions, contact Michael Huber (
II International Course on Protected Area Management
Sierra de Guadarrama National Park, Spain, 1-9 August
The II International Course on Protected Area Management (held in English) is an intensive training course that analyses the specific problems of protected areas close to urban centers. The course is offered by the Polytechnic University of Madrid in collaboration with the Directorate General for Environment of the Madrid Government and EDNYA, a company that manages different services in the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park. The programme will strengthen the skills of participants with regard to planning and managing areas that are open for public use and outdoor recreation programmes in protected areas in order to build support for conservation, contribute to public welfare and provide economic benefits to local
Members of the EUROPARC Federation benefit from a 20% discount in their registration!
For more information and registrations visit EDNYA website, or download the flyer and full description of the course.
International Guides and Guide Trainers Course
Brno, Czech Republic, 12-20 August 2016
Interpret Europe is launching a range of professional training courses to help guides from all over Europe improve the quality of their performance. This is also a highly valuable tool for heritage site and facility managers to meet their capacity building and professional development needs. The first summer courses take place in Brno (Czech Republic) and you can choose among Certified Interpretive Guides(CIG) and Certified Interpretive Guide Trainers (CIGT).
More information can be found here.
Geospatial technologies in ecosystem management
Évora, Portugal, 5-11 September 2016
“Geospatial technologies in ecosystem management — An introductory course to GIS, GPS and Remote Sensing”, is organised by Science Retreats LDA on behalf of the Évora branch of InBIO- CIBIO. This course offers an integrated overview of these three technologies and is designed for professionals of different backgrounds, which are faced with the possibility of using these technologies for their own needs, especially in the ecosystem management context. The course will be held in English and is balanced between theory and application. Participants are encouraged to bring spatial data related to their current work or interest.
More information can be found here or you can read the full description of the course.
Adaptive Management workshop – CMP Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation
Nature Park Medvednica, Croatia, 7-11 November 2016
The CMP Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation (Open Standards or OS) are a set of adaptive management standards to designing, managing, monitoring and learning from conservation projects. Created by the Conservation Measures Partnership (CMP), an international partnership of many of the world’s leading conservation organisations, the Open Standards are putting in place the building blocks to improve the practice of conservation. Its goal is to enable conservation organisations to tackle projects efficiently and achieve effective impacts.
More information can be found here.