Experience exchange with Caucasus – Müritz National Park

participants in front of a lime tree, over 800 years old in the village of Speck © Muritz National Park Archive

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On 20th and 21st of April, Müritz National Park received a group of 24 guests from protected areas in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. The focus of the meeting was the development of nature tourism, which was studied on the spot in the UNESCO World nature heritage site of  Serrahn and in the nature experience center Müritzeum in the city of Waren.

During the visit, the Park shared its experience with the implementation of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas, with a special focus on the methodology and the benefits it bring for the Park and its local communities.

Müritz National Park is located in northeastern Germany and has been awarded the Charter in 2011. Currently, the Park is on the way to update the tourism strategy and action plan.
