Impact Project – Project meeting in Mosile
EUROPARC is partner of the Interreg Europe Project IMPACT: New management models for Protected Areas. The project, funded by the European Regional Development Fund, aims to explore new management models to balance preservation and exploitation of Protected Areas.
During three days, IMPACT partners, stakeholders and other participants had the opportunity to discover two different protected areas in the Regione Molise and to know a little bit more about their management:
- MAB Reserve “Collemeluccio-Montedimezzo Alto Molise
The MAB Reserve “Collemeluccio-Montedimezzo Alto Molise is one of the first UNESCO Man & Biosphere Reserve in Italy, that was established already in 1971 and enlarged in 2004. Like all other Biosphere Reserves it has three types of areas: Core, Buffer and Transtition/Cooperation areas.
- Natural Reserve “Guardiaregia – Campochiaro”
The Regional Natural Reserve “Guardiaregia – Campochiaro” is managed by a series of public and private partners that share the objectives of conservation, among which Molise Region, Municipalities, WWF Oasis, Cooperativa La Gramegna and WWF Volunteers.
The meeting was organised along 3 days, from Wednesday 7th June to Friday 9th and included study visit and an Interregional Event.
- Steering committee and exchange of good practices – Isernia Province Building
- Study visit to MAB Reserve “Collemeluccio-Montedimezzo Alto Molise
- Interregional Event – Events Room Giardino Botanico Capracotta
- Round Table with Stakeholders – Events Room Giardino Botanico Capracotta
- Study visit to Natural Reserve “Guardiaregia – Campochiaro”)
More about the IMPACT project
IMPACT project aims at changing management policies in order to promote productive activities in protected areas without compromising biodiversity conservation in them. Interregional cooperation will help to achieve this goal.
Through stakeholder groups meetings, interregional events, study visits and forums the potential of protected areas will be transformed into growth, income and green jobs in and around protected areas.
More information about the project: