CAP Consultation: results presented in Brussels
The Future of the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) was the main topic of discussion on 7th July, in the European Commission. At the “CAP have your say“, the results of the 3-months public consultation to the CAP were introduced and the first debate was opened.
The results of both the consultation and the on-the-ground analysis will feed into a Communication on modernising and simplifying the CAP to be published by the Commission later in 2017, which will drive the political debate towards the CAP reform post 2020.
All presentations are now available on the European Commission’s website.
According to the CAP consultation’s results, its is consensual that a Common Policy for Agriculture is still needed, but is clear that CAP is not addressing the environmental challenges. Hence, several NGOs joined the Living Land Campaign to call for a reformed CAP that must be:
- Fair – for farmers and rural communities.
- Environmentally Sustainable – for clean air and water, healthy soil, and thriving plant and animal life.
- Healthy – for good food and the well-being of all people.
- Globally Responsible – for the planet’s climate and sustainable development around the world.
EUROPARC, along with the French Regional Nature Parks and EUROPARC Germany supported the Living Land Campaign, which joined over 250.000 citizens. Environmental challenges, requirements and priorities were indeed part of the debate in the “CAP have your say event”. Moreover, EUROPARC highlighted near the European Commission, best practices from members and experts, especially due to the work of the Sustainable Agriculture Commission.