Protected Areas In-Sight 2017
The Journal of the EUROPARC Federation is out!
In this Protected Areas In-Sight 2017, we bring you a sweet memory of EUROPARC Conference 2017 in the Portuguese “Magic Mountains”. There, with an interesting panel of keynote speakers, we explored some of the new values needed for nature and people, looked at the new visions emerging worldwide, and identified the new voices for preserving Europe’s natural heritage.
The journal is available in English, German and French. If you would like to receive a printed copy, please write us to b.pais @
IMPACT Interreg Europe: Special edition
How to implement new management models to promote sustainability in and around parks? Experiences and outcomes coming from the IMPACT Interreg Europe project partners are shared in this special edition.
Protected Areas have proven to be a stimulus for economic development, thus preventing current rural abandonment. That’s exactly what Junta de Andalucia is doing since 1989 in this Spanish region. Meanwhile, from Lithuania, in order to diminish conflicts between people with different interests, new mangement systems were created – were stakeholders involvement is essential.
With the United Nations declaring 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, and with tourism in Parks growing as never seen before, we compiled a special section to help you better manage tourism flows in your Protected Area. Tips and ideas from EUROPARC network can be found in the special section “Overtourism”.

Illustration by Frits Ahlefeldt or