The European Parks Academy 2018 is open for registration!
European Parks Academy
The European Parks Academy 2018 (EPA) is a new international training format that addresses the increasing capacity needs for planning and effectively managing protected areas. The unique cooperation between IUCN´s World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), the research institution E.C.O. and the Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt resulted in well-designed and targeted training modules hold by renown experts.
The summer academy takes place from 16th to 28th July 2018 in Klagenfurt/Austria next to the attractive lakeside of the Wörthersee. The first week is dedicated to the topic Communication & Participation, while the second week hosts two modules in parallel – Ecological Monitoring and Management of World Heritage Sites (see dates & structure below).
Mon, 16.7. |
Tue, 17.7. | Wed, 18.7. | Thu, 19.7 | Fri -Sat 20.-21.7. |
Sun, 22.7. |
Mon, 23.7. |
Tue, 24.7. | Wed, 25.7. | Thu, 26.7. | Fri – Sat 27.-28.7. |
Module A | Module B & C (selective, in parallel) | |||||||||
Panel & Posters |
Seminar A: |
Excursion: |
Panel & Posters |
Seminar B:
Excursions: |
One highlight of this year´s Academy is the World Heritage Conference on the 23rd July. Representatives of UNESCO and IUCN will join the Academy for one day to discuss the coordination & management of Natural World Heritage Sites by the example of the serial property “The Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe”.
Learn, exchange, enjoy!
In the seminars, you will get inputs and coaching from high-profile lecturers, work in a personalized environment and reflect on international protected area standards & procedures. There will be lots of space for exchange & intercultural learning, for reflection and coaching on your working context & challenges
The first week (Module A) is dedicated to strategic approaches for communication and visibility of parks. Participants will work on the communication of visions & values, on the development of a recognizable image (“brand”), on attractive participatory approaches and on options for reaching a broader audience
Module B, in the second week, provides guidance and training on the design of resource-saving and goal-oriented monitoring systems. Insights into modern technologies for data collection and management will be embedded into a step-by-step approach for developing effective ecological monitoring systems.
With the module on Natural World Heritage Sites (Module C), the European Parks Academy responds to the high amount of recent World Heritage designations and the need of developing an understanding for the UNESCO World Heritage standards and procedures along the 3 phases – nomination, management and evaluation of WH sites.
Modul A and B respectively start with a panel & poster session, where you will share your own experiences and working background, meet your colleagues of the seminar and get inspired by the stories of local scientists, experts and practitioners.
Join this unique event and carry home impulses and concrete guidance for your engagement in conservation and protected area management!
Further information and registration:
See also: IUCN News on the European Parks Academy 2017
Andrej Sovinc, IUCN´s WCPA:
Alexandra Joseph, E.C.O. Institute of Ecology: