Prevent wildfires with Seneye x EUROPARC

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Due to climate change, wildfires pose an increased risk to our Protected Areas. Using Artificial Intelligence, Seneye (by Senhive) helps you spot them quickly and prevent them from spreading.

Are you prepared for the next wildfire season?

EUROPARC believes that technology can help mitigate the risks of wildfires. That’s why we have partnered up with Sen-Eye, a camera-based autonomous wildfire detection solution that allows for a faster response time whilst providing actionable insights. Through this exclusive offer, you can now get 30% off in the first year.

What makes Sen-Eye special?

Sen-Eye can provide a technological advantage when it comes to protecting and preserving our nature parks against wildfires. As a result of its ability to detect wildfires at an earlier stage, and the fact that it can be deployed in remote areas, it offers increased resilience to uncontrolled wildfires.

The earlier wildfires are detected, the greater the chance to anticipate them, react and avoid their further spread!

In order to efficiently use technology as a supporting resource, it should be easy to use and install whilst being reliable and accurate. Sen-Eye’s wildfire detection system has been designed specifically with these challenges in mind.

In just 3 steps, the Sen-Eye detection system can be installed and operational:Seneye 3 steps

Exclusive offer

As Europe’s largest nature organisation for Protected Areas, EUROPARC also engages itself in integrating technology into nature conservation and management tools. That’s why we are happy to announce that, when clicking the following link, you can activate your Sen-Eye Pro licence with a first-year 30% discount!

Activate it now!

When purchasing, for a special offer, use the referral code: EUROPARC2022

For every Sen-Eye Pro licence, Senhive will donate 10% of the revenue to EUROPARC Federation

This money is put towards strengthening and developing EUROPARC’s programmes, serving our members and lobbying for the work of Parks and Protected Areas in Europe. Please consider this when activating your Sen-Eye licence!


  • Wildfire detections within minutes of emerging
  • High availability monitoring
  • Notifications of a detected wildfire on any device
  • Cloud or “on the edge” deployment
  • Location estimate of wildfire
  • Integration with first responders
  • And many more…

For more information, check out this video on the Sen-Eye wildfire detection system:

Sen-Eye.mp4 from Rolf on Vimeo.