Seminar Dialogue 2020

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On June second the Seminar Dialogue 2020 was held online, about biodiversity, climate and Protected Areas toward 2030.

Following the successful experiences in 2017, 2018, and 2019 , the EUROPARC Federation and the Nature Unit of the DG Environment organised the “Seminar Dialogue 2020 – Partnerships for Biodiversity” on the 2nd of June 2020, titled ‘Biodiversity, climate and Protected Areas towards 2030’.

By bringing together representatives of the European Commission and Protected Areas professionals on an annual basis, the EUROPARC Federation aims to highlight the contribution of Protected Areas in implementing key European policies, raise awareness of managers about EU policy developments and provide the European Commission with clear insights about the challenges faced by professionals in the field.

This year, 40 participants met for an interesting debate about the role of Protected Areas and Natura 2000 in the new EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 and EU climate policies, in the framework of the EU Green Deal.

Due to the restrictions presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting took place online.Seminar Dialogue 2020

See the agenda HERE

The European Commission presented several targets set in the biodiversity strategy:

  • Legally protected a minimum of 30% of EU land and sea
  • Strictly protect at least 10% of the EU Protected Areas
  • Effectively manage all Protected Areas
  • Develop a specific EU Nature restoration plan
  • Bring nature back to agricultural land.
  • Increase the quantity and quality of forests
  • Restore and protect marine ecosystems
  • Greening urban and periurban areas
  • Ensure the full implementation and enforcement of EU environmental legislation

EUROPARC welcomes the commitment shown by the Commission and advocates:

  • That the important role of Protected Areas needs to be recognized at national and regional level. Protected Areas are key players, contributing to achieving the wide biodiversity targets. Protected Areas are essential governing bodies for nature conservation and for integrated landscape management. They are laboratories of innovation and active promoters of sustainable development practices. Those are crucial to complement the Natura2000 network. Therefore, we welcome the vision for a transnational, coherent and integrated EU network of Protected Areas.
  • That the new terminology used (strict protection, effective areas based conservation) has to be clarified.
  • That adequate financial support must be provided to increase or extend the number of Protected Areas
  • That Innovative governance models for Protected Areas should be explored

All this info and much more can be found in our report:

Read the full report HERE

It was a successful and productive exchange. We would like to thank again the DG ENV Nature Unite and DG CLIMA for this opportunity.
