EUROPARC TransParcNet Meeting 2020 – online!

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Due to COVID, a face to face TransParcNet meeting was not possible. However, crossborder cooperation stops for nothing – this is why EUROPARC decided to move the meeting online. Fittingly, the theme was “Crossborder cooperation in COVID Time”

On the 9th of December, 54 participants from 18 countries met online for the TransParcNet meeting 2020. TransParcNet is the annual internal event of Transboundary Protected Areas network certified by EUROPARC, in the framework of the Transboundary Parks Program “Nature has no borders”.

Of course the theme this year was: “Cross border cooperation in COVID time”.

The event was facilitated by Stefania Petrosillo, EUROPARC’s policy officer and person in charge of the Transboundary Parks Program, with the support of Lisanne Kruiswijk, policy assistant, and Fernando Pinillos, communication and IT officer. You can find the agenda here.

The TransParcNet Family

We heard from…

EUROPARC’s president Ignace Schops, as he said some inspiring words to open the day.

Riina Tervo, chairwoman of the Transboundary Task Force. She shared the results of the work of the networks and of the Transboundary Areas in the past year. Despite all difficulties, they successfully managed  projects, common initiatives and the management of crisis and adverse events.

The European Commission, represented by Mr Maud Skaringer from DG REGIO and Mr Przemyslaw Oginski from DG ENV. They provided updated information about the EU Cohesion Policy/Interreg program, as well as on the cross border component in the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030. We were very happy to welcome the Commission as it increased once more the dialogue, promoted by EUROPARC, between the European Institutions and the Parks, who are key implementing actors on the field of the European policies.

Mr Boris Erg, from the IUCN-WCPA Transboundary Specialist Group. He illustrated the instruments and publications IUCN makes available to help conservationist to improve their capacity with regards to cross-border collaboration. His participation was a good opportunity for exchange of ideas about possible future synergies with IUCN on this topic.

A new member

We are excited to see that the TransParcNet family is growing. During the event the Moor-Veerland International Nature Park (DE-NL) received the good news that its candidature has been approved by the EUROPARC Council: WELCOME!

In the upcoming days the other new candidate HALTI Area (located in Käsivarsi Wilderness Area, Finland and Reisa National Park and Ráisduottarháldi Landscape Protectead Area, Norway) and the candidatures that are up for renewal (Julian Alps IT/SI, and Sumava-Bavarian Forest Parks DE/CZ) will receive the answers of the results of their evaluation processes, which is currently still ongoing.

For this special occasion, the Julian Alps showed us their beautiful film “Nature without Borders”, which was produced in the framework of an Interreg project. It made all participants dream and eager to return to travel as soon as possible! You can watch the trailer here:

Note: The film Nature without Borders can be seen at Dom Trenta, Triglav National Park and the Transboundary Ecoregion Julian Alps Info Center.


After a nice informal lunch together online, the participants broke up in two working groups.

The WORKSHOP 1 “COVID time and transboundary cooperation” was led by Mr Daniele Piazza and Mr Jakub Kašpar, members of the network. They shared experiences, impressions, challenges and suggestions for the future.

The WORKSHOP 2 “New projects for the network”, facilitated by two other members of the network, Mr Stefano Santi and Mr Leo Reyrink, explored priorities and possibilities for new projects in order to reinforce and increase the network.

The event was closed by the Director of the EUROPARC Federation Mrs Carol Ritchie, who thanked the participants not only for their presence at the event, but above all by their daily commitment for the underlying values of the EUROPARC Transboundary Parks Program: nature, dialogue and peace.

Want to learn more about Transboundary cooperation, click on the image to go to our Knowledge Hub to find practical examples.

