Get ready to celebrate with us in 2023!
On the 12th of May 1973, what we now recognise as the EUROPARC Federation was founded. In 2023, come and celebrate this 50-Year anniversary with us!
A message from our President
Our President Michael Hošek, on behalf of the Czech delegation, spent the past few weeks negotiating at the COP15 in Montreal. However, he still managed to make some time to create a special message for EUROPARC members. This message was recorded just a few days before the finalisation of the COP15. EUROPARC is glad to see that yesterday, a deal was reached to conserve 30% of the planet by 2030. Good news for Nature. Good news for Protected Areas. Good news for EUROPARC members!
50 years of EUROPARC – celebrate with us!
Inspired by Michael’s message? Then we have great news for you! Next year, you will have the chance to share your video message! Throughout 2023, we will be celebrating the incredible milestone of EUROPARC’s 50-Year Anniversary. Of course, we also want to hear from YOU, our members!
In January, you will receive information on how to submit your Park’s message. For now, you can already start to think of an ending to this sentence: “For me, the EUROPARC Federation is…”. In short, 30-second videos, we want to hear from our members what the EUROPARC Federation means to them.
You can also already prepare to “Build on your Roots” for next year’s European Day of Parks. Furthermore, do not forget to save the date for our Conference in the Netherlands, from 3 – 6 October.
As you can see, we have loads in store for you. However, now the time has come for reflection and relaxation. We look forward to seeing you all again next year, and for now:
The EUROPARC Directorate wishes all a happy holiday season!