Candidates for EUROPARC President and Council elections 2021
On the 5th of October, EUROPARC members are warmly invited to the annual General Assembly. This year, an important task lays ahead: to elect the new EUROPARC President and Council members for the next 3 years.
Thank you for your nominations
Over the past weeks, our members had a chance to nominate candidates for the future President and Council of the EUROPARC Federation. All information about the General Assembly 2021 can be found here (restricted access for members only; please use the password provided via email).
Today we bring an overview of the candidates:
Candidates for the President
Name: Michael Hošek
Nationality/Citizenship: Czech
Member Organization: Krkonoše Mountains National Park
Nominated by: Regionaal Landschap Kempen en Maasland
Current Position: Project coordinator / Krkonoše Mountains National Park
Candidates for the Council
Name: Leelo Kukk
Nationality/Citizenship: Estonian
Member Organization: Environmental Board of Estonia (Keskkonnaamet)
Nominated by: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Current Position: Deputy General Director/ Environmental Board of Estonia (Keskkonnaamet)
Name: João Cardoso de Melo
Nationality/Citizenship: Portuguese
Member Organization: Cascais Ambiente
Nominated by: ADRIMAG / Montanhas Mágicas
Current Position: Director / Cascais Ambiente
Name: Pete Rawcliffe
Nationality/Citizenship: Scotland, United Kingdom
Member Organization: NatureScot
Nominated by: Cairngorms National Park Authority
Current Position: Head of the People and Places Activity Team
Name: Hendrik Oosterveld
Nationality/Citizenship: Netherlands
Member Organization: National Park Drentsche Aa
Nominated by: Regionaal Landschap Kempen en Maasland
Current Position: Chairman Area Charity Fund National Park Drentsche Aa
Name: Dominique Lévêque
Nationality/Citizenship: French
Member Organization: Parc Naturel de la Montagne de Reims
Nominated by: Fédération des Parcs naturels régionaux de France
Current Position: President / Parc Naturel de la Montagne de Reims
Name: Marta Múgica
Nationality/Citizenship: Spanish
Member Organization: Fungobe (Fundacion Fernando Gonzalez Bernaldez)
Nominated by: Diputació de Barcelona
Current Position: Director / Fundación Fernando González Bernáldez
Name: Enzo Lavarra
Nationality/Citizenship: Italy
Member Organization: Parco Naturale Regionale “Bosco e Paludi di Rauccio”
Nominated by: Parco Naturale Regionale Costa Otranto – S.Maria Leuca – Bosco Tricase
Current Position: Voluntary assistant at Parco Naturale Regionale “Bosco e Paludi di Rauccio” on projects of agricultural and environmental regeneration
Name: Stefano Santi
Nationality/Citizenship: Italian
Member Organization: Associazione Rete Italiana European Green Belt APS
Nominated by: Tuscan Archipelago National Park
Current Position: Member of Associazione Rete Italiana European Green Belt APS
Name: Sonia Anelli
Nationality/Citizenship: Italian
Member Organization: Pantelleria Island National Park
Nominated by: Ente di Gestione per i Parchi e la Biodiversità – Emilia Occidentale
Current Position: Director / Pantelleria Island National Park
Voluntourism: supporting nature conservation on holiday
Enjoying nature on holiday and protecting it at the same time is what voluntourism offers in the Nationale Naturlandschaften are all about.
Voluntourism for Biological Diversity
The summer holiday season is in full swing, so why not involve visitors in nature conservation activities and let them support Protected Area professionals in their work? Developed by the Nationale Naturlandschaften (formerly know as EUROPARC Germany), the project “Voluntourism for Biological Diversity” has exactly that in mind.
With new partnerships between Protected Areas and tourism operators, the project supports the conception, development and testing of attractive and meaningful holiday packages in four model areas (Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea and Müritz National Parks, Southern Black Forest Nature Park, Central Elbe Biosphere Reserve). Voluntourism for Biological Diversity in the National Natural Landscapes develops diverse tourism offers for young and old in National Parks, nature parks and biosphere reserves. The offers include short-term and one-off assignments as well as packages from tour operators.
Voluntourism offers attractive opportunities to promote and protect biodiversity while enjoying holiday in a practical and meaningful way.
The initiative is being realised in cooperation with a number of German Protected Areas and partners, including some EUROPARC members such as the Müritz National Park or the Mittelelbe Biosphere Reserve. Together, they have developed a variety of engagement opportunities where participants can discover natural treasures during their holidays, get to know regional cultural highlights and at the same time support conservation experts in their work.
Fixing bridges and creating shelters for wood grouse
After the long period of COVID restrictions, the first voluntourism assignments are now starting and looking for participants. All the voluntourism offers from the four model areas can be found on the platform
Last week, the first day’s work has begun in the Feldberg nature reserve in the Southern Black Forest Nature Park, where a footbridge in a moorland landscape needs to be repaired. Another voluntourism opportunity in Feldberg involves wood grouse biotope maintenance, concretely clearing areas and piling branches to provide cover for the wood grouse.
The first project in the Müritz National Park will start on 5 August. After a joint bicycle tour, participants can roll up their sleeves and dispose of an old collection of jars that were once used to extract tree resin.
Download the press release (in German). The list of available voluntourism offers is available here.
How can a comic-book help to communicate important messages for nature?
Sometimes, it is incredibly difficult to communicate priority actions required for nature to people and other stakeholders. This is especially true when the management actions involve sensitive subjects and approaches. Communicating with care and with humour can be advantageous to ensure that the main messages get across.
Competent Inclusive Communication was a blended learning course led by EUROPARC designed to help participants understand how to communicate meaningfully and with impact about their Natura 2000 site(s). Working through a series of interrelated topics, step-by-step, they increased their practical skills and gained new knowledge important for improving their communication competencies. The following describes the work of a EUROPARC member.
Meet Paul Rutten of Staatsbosbeheer, a Competent Inclusive Communication course participant
Paul Rutten, state forestry team manager in National Park Dunes of Texel found a way to present his work in a new and captivating way.
He completed his final assignment for the Competent Inclusive Communication course – which was a part of the LIFE capacity building project – by creating a comic book about wildlife management on a Dutch Island, Texel.
Paul tackles a potentially sensitive nature management priority with pitch-perfect skill. He captures the Texel love-hate story between cats, wildlife, as well as people and tells this as a story about successful and clever ways to solve the problem of feral and stray cats in this Natura 2000 site.
As Paul himself points out, the main goals of his comic-book are to:
- Inspire people to work together no matter what their differences are
- Respect different perspectives
- Use open communication: ask & listen instead of judging
- Find ambitions that help each party to succeed … more or less!
Take a look at his story and the approach Paul used and get inspired to explore new ways of communicating your visions and ideas!
Paul’s comic book “Shifting positions”
Stay connected: The eNatura2000 app
Within the project, an app was developed to help Natura 2000 managers and other nature professionals learn, discuss and connect together. The app is available on Google Play and App Store!
With the eNatura2000 app, users are able to:
- Network and e-connect with peers and professionals around Europe.
- Discuss issues and difficulties that arise in the management of Natura 2000 sites and other Protected Areas.
- Get inspired by existing best practices and solutions. Developed by EUROPARC with 5 partner organisations from around Europe, this practical tool will make networking across regions, countries, and land types for Natura2000 managers easy and enjoyable.
The digital tool will help Natura 2000 managers identify issues, solve common problems that they face, communicate with each other directly, as well as learn about their professional development needs. For more information on the app, go here.