European Day of Parks 2022
joint lottery cooperation for the local population and guests of the Nationalen Naturlandschaften
Share the sweepstakes on website and social media pages, such…
Il "Sacro" Bosco di Bomarzo: dialogo tra arte e natura unicum al mondo
L'attività di ricerca dal titolo Il "Sacro" Bosco di Bomarzo:…
Il "Sacro" Bosco di Bomarzo: dialogo tra arte e natura unicum al mondo
Online event. Historical and geographical document edited by the journalist…
Plants and insects: a deal for life
We can’t talk about conservation of biodiversity referring only to…
La Grande Traversée du Parc
Vous avez des envies de nature, de découvertes locales et…
Il Parco Oglio Sud propone unitamente a quasi tutte le…
I fossili delle alluvioni – con Davide Persico
Andremo a visitare una grande spiaggia del fiume Po, nel…
The 24 hours of Biodiversity (Les 24h de la biodiversité)
EN : This event will bring together naturalists from the…
Connecting with nature through recreational activities outdoors has proven to…
Eintauchen in den Nationalpark
Diese Wanderung richtet sich an Erwachsene und Familien, die etwas…
Hedgehogs, understand and protect them!
The activity will show hedgehogs, explain their importance in ecosystems,…
L'inventari de patrimoni cultural del Parc
Presentació de l'inventari de patrimoni cultural del Parc tot caminant…
Visita guiada al Centre de Documentació del Parc Natural del Montgrí, les illes Medes i el Baix Ter
Voleu conèixer quins fons, quins documents i objectes podeu trobar…
Presentació pràctica de la metodologia per a l'avaluació de l'estat agroambiental dels prats i pastures del Montgrí
El mètode Oppermann ens ofereix una eina per a la…
En mayo celebramos el Día Europeo de los Parques Naturales…
Ziua Europeană a Parcurilor la ENDURANCH
Event for families - general audience - spending time in…
Barns, Walls and Bridges
Ancient dry-stone walls and field barns are defining features of…
Natura Itineris Pollino
"Natura Itineris Pollino: scopri, osserva, valorizza" Esperienze di cammino, immersi…
Flora and Fauna of Upper Wensleydale
Join our experienced Dales Volunteers on this 4 mile (6.4km)…
Dag van het Nationaal Park - 20 jaar Nationaal Park Drentsche Aa
Day of the National Park in the theme of 20…
The House of Capricorns
The House of Capricorns in Heiligenblut with the exhibition “The…
D'excursió amb... el Club Muntanyenc Sant Cugat. L'Observatori Fabra.
Us proposem descobrir el Parc de la mà d’una de…
Aktionstag am Natur-Erlebniszentrum HohneHof für Groß und Klein
Am Natur-Erlebniszentrum HohneHof laden vielfältige Aktionen dazu ein, an diesem…
Passejada temàtica: Pol·linitzadors
Pol·linitzadors A part de les vistoses i diverses papallones, al…
Mit dem Ranger den Nationalpark entdecken
Erkunden Sie auf dieser anspruchsvollen Wandertour mit dem Ranger die…
Be a Part of the Park
Werden Sie ein Teil des Nationalparks! Bei dieser sehr anspruchsvollen…
Tag „de Luchs“ – Luchsvortrag
Lust auf Luchse? Widmen Sie sich an diesen Tag doch…
El matí dels ratolins
El matí dels ratolins Activitat lúdic divulgativa sobre els ratolins…
Der Weg des Wassers – unterwegs mit dem Ranger
Wasser ist ein prägendes Element im Nationalpark. Folgen Sie bei…
Joint lottery cooperation for the local population and guests of the Nationalen Naturlandschaften
European Day of Park photo contest. Share your most memorable…
BioBlitz Lombardia 2022
Si potrà partecipare alle osservazioni naturalistiche degli esperti in occasione…
European Day of Parks Raffle
European Day of Park photo contest: Share your most memorable…
Sentieri #8
Il progetto SENTIERI crea performance originali e uniche composte ad…
Mitmachen und gewinnen!
Feiert mit uns den europäischen Tag der Parke! Teile deinen…
Los rincones del Parque Geológico: Barranco de la Arcolla - Pico Ropé
El 24 de mayo es el Día Europeo de los…
European Day of Parks, Birdwatching event by the Lake Muoniojärvi
National Parks Co-Partner Institute, Vocational Institute of Lappia organizes yearly…
European Day of Parks Event at Yrjö Kokko Bird Tower, Enontekiö
National Parks Co-Operative Partner, the Vocational Institute of Lappi, organizes…
Somos Naturaleza: Reflexionar, restaurar, reconectar. Día Europeo de los Parques.
Actividad de educación ambiental. Destinatario: Colegio Gregorio Aguilar. Temporalización de…
EUROPARC-Spain organizes on May 24 the workshop “We are nature:…
"Somos naturaleza", la yinkana de los sentidos
"Somos naturaleza" La Yinkana de los sentidos: La actividad va…
Biodiversità vegetale e animale
Convegno in materia di biodiversità vegetale e animale che tratterà…
Sentieri #8
Il progetto SENTIERI crea performance originali e uniche composte ad…
The astonishing beauty and the healing power of forests
In Koupa we will celebrate this year's European Day of…
Vive o Día Europeo dos Parques 2022 nas Illas Atlánticas
Trátase de varias actividades pensadas para público xeral, visitantes das…
Vive o Día Europeo dos Parques 2022 nas Illas Atlánticas
Enviamos de novo o cartel, xa que detectamos un erro…
Posidonia workshop for the students of Colonia St. Jordi's school
One of Cabrera's National Parks roles, amongst others, is the…
Visita guiada per les closes i els arrossars del Parc.
Visita guiada pels itineraris 1 i 2 dels Aiguamolls
"Som Natura - Repensar, Recuperar, Reconnectar"
La ruta de les cosidores
Sortida d'interpretació del patrimoni natural, cultural i industrial. Celebració DIA…
Discovery the colourful Bee-eaters
An easy field trip for families to discover one of…
Stargazing walk in The Hortobágy Wild Animal Park.
Recognizing the dark-sky value of the Hortobágy, the National Park…
Op de paden BINGO - Dag van het Nationaal Park 2022
Ook dit jaar zetten we op 24 mei alle Europese…
Šumava National Park Science Competition for schools
Name: Šumava National Park Science Competition for schools Target group:…
Romanian National Event - European Day of Parks 2022
Every year, Romanian park administrations celebrate together the European Day…
Ziua Europeană a Parcurilor
Vom organiza un eveniment în fiecare localitate limitrofă Parcului Național…
Up on the Alm; Between Heaven and Earth
Warum gibt es eigentlich Almen und was tun die Menschen…
Big Five wildlife observation safari
Lucknerhaus in Kals am Großglockner kann man an diesem Tag…
“Día Europeo de los Parques”
Celebraremos el Día Europeo de los Parques a través de…
“Conectando con la naturaleza”
Con esta ruta guiada los participantes se adentrarán en el…
“Encuentra el tesoro… natural”
Algunos lugares como Calblanque, se han protegido bajo el nombre…
Jornada de descoberta de la natura
Activitat de ciència ciutadana per posar de manifest la importància…
Settimana Europea dei Parchi 2022 - Priverno: Monumento Naturale Bosco del Castello di San Martino. Un Bosco, un Parco Rinascimentale
Monumento Naturale “Bosco e Castello di San Martino” Un bosco,…
La ruta de les llacunes (sortida en bicicleta)
Sortida en bicicleta de mig dia a l'entorn de la…
Settimana Europea dei Parchi 2022 - Cori: Monumento Naturale Lago di Giulianello. Transumanza, luoghi della memoria e il lago
Monumento Naturale “Lago di Giulianello” Transumanza, luoghi della memoria e…
Bany de bosc al parc natural, una experiència de reconnexió
El bany de bosc és un procés de reconnexió amb…
Portes obertes a l’Ecomuseu i la Casa de Fusta
Portes obertes i entrada gratuïta als centres d’interpretació del Parc:…
NOI SIAMO LA NATURA! Escursioni 100% sostenibili con E-Bike-Ami-Twizy tra Parco Dune e Torre Guaceto
𝐑𝐈𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐀𝐑𝐄, 𝐑𝐈𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐄, 𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐈 È questo il tema dell’edizione 2022 della…
Breaking the Disposable Habit – A Festive Picnic in Nature
A celebration the European day of parks ! A picnic…
E-weekend nei Parchi dell'Alto Salento: Parco Regionale delle Dune Costiere e Riserva Marina Protetta di Torre Guaceto
L’innovazione della mobilità elettrica rende accessibile a tutti la fruizione…
Respiro - Arte nell’aria del bosco - Riserva Naturale Monti Livornesi
"Respiro" - Art in the air of the wood -…
Ações de sensibilização ambiental nas Montanhas Mágicas | Environmental awareness actions in the Magic Mountains
The event consists of environmental awareness actions, namely nature laboratories,…
NOI SIAMO NATURA – Ripensare, Ripristinare, Riconnettere
“NOI SIAMO NATURA – Ripensare, Ripristinare, Riconnettere” questo il motto…
Mi smo priroda, Europski dan parkova
River Bednja is only river in Croatia with source and…
Europäischer Tag der Parke
Participation in the campaign of the umbrella organization Nationale Naturlandschaften…
NVBR Challenge
Celebrating the European National Parks Day with this year's motto…
European Day of Parks - RCONNECT
RECONNECT - The third event in our celebration of European…
European Day of Parks - RESTORE
RESTORE - The second event in our celebration of European…
European Day of Parks - rethink
Rethink - The first event in our celebration of European…
Entdeckertour mit dem Nationalparkführer Abseits der Touristenströme
EN Discover with us the beauty of the Saxon Switzerland…
Storie all’aria aperta - letture libere per bambini e ragazzi (Open air tales - free readings for children and kids)
The activity is for children and kids. We meet every…
Virtual photo exhibition "Pripyatsky" - a place of power"
Virtual photo exhibition "Pripyatsky" - a Place of Power" will…
We are Nature – Restore Rethink Reconnect
What would we be without nature? It is part of our very being. We depend on it for our mental and physical health, our food production, the air we breathe… Yet our relationship with nature is out of balance. As a result, we are losing not just natural areas, but also a sense of belonging. That is why it’s time we rethink, restore and reconnect with nature! This is exactly what we asked Parks and visitors to do in the 2022 European Day of Parks. Around 100 events were organised and there was a big buzz on social media.
Download the Media Outreach Report | Discover the activities organised in 2022| Read the Guidelines for Parks