Launched Annual Activity Report 2016 – CAP performance
On the 25.09.2017, during the Commission Agriculture of the European Parliament meeting, Jerzy Plewa, Director-General for Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Commission (DG AGRI), presented to MEPs the report on the DG’s “Annual Activity Report 2016 – CAP performance”. The report details achievements, initiatives taken and the financial and human resources spent during 2016.
Download here the CAP Annual Activity Report and here the Annexes.
Many technical aspects were discussed, but also interesting general aspects emerged. Among them, DG AGRI stressed the difficulty to receive enough and complete data from the Member States, that could be useful to evaluate the real link, and the impact, between biodiversity and agriculture.
The following debate between MEPs and DG AGRI showed how much evaluations, visions, and expectations of the present and future CAP are different. Download here the presentation of Jerzy Plewa, Director General for Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Commission (DG AGRI)
The full European Parliament Meeting is available here (the debate about CAP starts at about 02.33.40 minutes).