European Nature Academy: Apply now!

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Get the skills and training you need to become more effective, competent and confident nature managers!

About LIFE ENABLE & the European Nature Academy (ENA)

Natura 2000 and Protected Area managers work in a wide variety of roles, in multidisciplinary settings. Where you work is likely to be dynamic, constantly evolving and complex.

You routinely face challenges and opportunities in your daily work, which require you to apply a special mix of knowledge, skills and attitudes. In almost all cases, as well as technical conservation skills, you need to work inclusively, in cooperation with local communities and other organisations: in this, you need to be able to communicate what you are doing and why. The management choices you make and the ways in which you work are critical to achieving progress towards your objectives for nature.

LIFE ENABLE is designed to meet Natura 2000 and Protected Area managers’ training needs. It is creating the new European Nature Academy (ENA) to provide tailor-made training and support your professional development. 

The goal is to contribute to ensuring progress towards the realisation of the objectives and ambitions of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 and underpinning policies.

To achieve this, the ENA’s cost-free training courses focus on the competencies required to manage Natura 2000 and Protected Areas more effectively.

Who should apply?

At this stage, we are looking for 100 individuals working currently in Protected Areas across Europe. Once selected, you will become part of the ENA and enroll as participants to the courses.

The courses focus on core competencies, including stakeholder engagement, communication tools and techniques and management planning. Specific attention is also given to management of forest and marine ecosystems, so we are giving priority to managers of these habitat types, especially in Natura 2000 sites. When you apply, simply let us know which habitat type is of more interest to you – either forest or marine, but you can’t pick both!

Whatever your area of work, we will welcome your application. People of all ages and backgrounds, working in diverse roles in a Natura 2000 site or Protected Area can apply – for example:

  • Managers in either governmental or non- governmental organisations.
  • People working in national, regional or natural parks (which also include Natura 2000 sites), for example Rangers.
  • Individuals working for a local authority or public administration with responsibilities for nature conservation and protection.
  • Individuals working as a specialist ecologist or in nature conservation policy.
  • People working with local communities – for example, as environmental educators, communication specialists, volunteer or visitor managers, or individuals with responsibilities for interpretation, nature-based sustainable development, legal advisors, land stewardship etc.
  • Private landowners of a Natura 2000 site or other entrepreneurs in a Protected Area – for example, with farming, forestry, fishing or tourism interests.


How the European Nature Academy works…

The new European Nature Academy is a training hub and provides access to a series of practical capacity building courses for nature’s managers. The courses are designed specifically to equip individuals and their organisations with the competencies they require to meet the challenges and opportunities of nature management in the coming decade. 

Delivered in a series of online modules and networking events, the emphasis is on applied learning to improve management practices and ways of working for Natura 2000 & Protected Areas across Europe.  The modules focus on the core skills, knowledge & attitudes you need in your daily work. 

 The competence-based modules cover the following subjects:

  • Tools for participative and inclusive governance
  • Design of communication strategies, tools, techniques and approaches
  • Management planning as a technical process for biodiversity conservation & a process for social engagement
  • Strategies for engagement, collaborative working, conflict management, resolution & mediation

The courses are free!

There is no fee for the training.