Registration for the EUROPARC Youth Camp ”Taking the lead for Nature” is now open!
Youth Conference 2013 Hungary © Gabor Nagy

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EUROPARC Youth Camp – Spain 2015 ”Taking the lead for Nature”
EUROPARC Federation, with the great support of the Aigüestortes and Estany de Sant Maurici National Park, is delighted to announce the organisation of a Youth International Camp as part of the YOUTH+ programme. An exceptional opportunity for 30 young people from European Protected Areas to learn, discuss and share experiences, embarking together on a journey to the future of nature in Europe.
Please download the invitation and register here. You can also visit our webpage for more information.
In brief
- EUROPARC Youth Camp, 31st August – 5th September 2015 Boì, Spain.
- 18-25 year youth from Junior Ranger or other educational programmes in European Protected Areas; EUROPARC membership of the Protected Area necessary.
- Deadline for application: 26th of June. Places are limited!
- Application to, including letter of motivation.
- Notification about successful application: from end of June onwards.
EUROPARC Federation has been connecting young people in Europe through environmental education programmes for over 12 years and is now working to develop a new international programme specifically addressed to Youth (18+). We are temporary calling this new program YOUTH+.
YOUTH+ is aiming to offer youth the opportunity to:
- Keep learning about nature conservation in Europe
- Develop leadership skills and play an active role in supporting the work of the PA in the JR programme
- Develop advocacy skills and contribute to include youth perspective in governance and management of PA
- Develop communication skills to speak on behalf of the PA
- Network internationally with peers from PAs across Europe
Do not miss this amazing opportunity and register now!