“Parks of the Future”
“Parks of the Future – Protected Areas in Europe Challenging Regional and Global Change” is the most recent book of 2016 in the field of protected areas. It was published in the beginning of January and has just arrived in our office.
The book was edited by the NeReGro group (New Regional Development in Protected Areas), which is composedby 4 professors from the universities of Bern, Oldenburg, Rapperswil and Vienna. “Parks of the Future” focuses on the societal challenges of our protected areas, by introducing theoretical approaches and practical experiences from more than 20 authors. Carol Ritchie, EUROPARC Federation Director also contributed with an article regarding the promising future of European protected areas.
“How do parks address the pending challenges and what successes have they had thus far? Which forms of park management and governance are most promising? Which tasks will be assumed by parks in the future?” This are some of the questions highlighted across the book.
Soon, the book will be available for purchase at www.oekom.de.
Parks of the Future – Protected Areas in Europe Challenging Regional and Global Change
Editors: Thomas Hammer, Ingo Mose, Dominik Siegrist and Norbert Weixlbaumer