25 years working for Nature – EUROPARC Germany
Excursion at the Black Forest National Park, within the celebration of the 25th Anniversary of EUROPARC Gerrmany © Stephanie Schubert
On the 2nd of June, EUROPARC Germany celebrated its 25th anniversary with a high-level event organised at the Nationalpark Schwarzwald (Black Forest National Park).
The event gathered over 80 participants, who had the chance to be inspired by keynote speakers and participate in field trips. The Annual members Assembly also took place and was held at a mountain hut in Baiersbronn.
Ignace Schops, President of EUROPARC Federation and Guido Puhlmann, President of EUROPARC Germany reflected on European Nature Protection and the work that EUROPARC Germany had done in the last 25 years.

Ignace Schops, President EUROPARC Federation © K. Sabry

Guido Puhlmann, President EUROPARC Deutschland, at General Assemby 2016 © Stephanie Schubert

Guido Puhlmann, President of EUROPARC Germany; Ignace Schops, President of EUROPARC Federation; Marc Auer (BMUB); Dr. Christiane Paulus (BMUB); Marvin Manzenberger, Karl Friedrich Sinner, baord member and expert on Wilderness; Dr. Elke Baranek CEO EUROPARC Deutschland; Jan Wildefeld, Head of Youth and Media (photo by K.Sabri)
The invited speakers were Mr. Franz Untersteller, Minister for Environment of the Land Baden-Württemberg, who proudly shared the protected spaces within the region: 1 National Park, 2 Biosphere Reserves and 7 Nature Parks, which some are also part of the „National Natural Landscapes“. The second invited keynote speaker was Dr. Christiane Paulus, representing the Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation Building and Nuclear Safety, who gave a retrospective view over the work of EUROPARC Germany and announced Marvin Manzenberger as the „Youth ambassador of the UN Decade for Biodiversity“. Marvin is a former Junior Ranger and still active for the Youth+ Programme from the Bavarian Forest National Park.
During the celebration, the Königsbrücker Heide was announced to be the first Wilderness Area of the National Nature Landscapes. The „EUROPARC Germany Family“ has now a new category and will support the idea of Wilderness in Germany.
EUROPARC Germany is one of the oldest Sections of the Federation (along with Atlantic Isles) and their primary goal is to increase awareness and interest in Germany’s National Nature Landscapes (Nationale Naturlandschaften). The members of EUROPARC Deutschland comprise more than 40 Protected Areas and other organisations involved in nature and environmental issues, as well as foundations and friends’ associations.