Seminar: Climate change adaptation in Spanish Protected Areas
Climate Change in Protected Areas will be the main topic of a 2-days Seminar that will take place in Spain, between the 12-13 December, at CENEAM – National Center of Environmental Education. The seminar, organised by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment in collaboration with EUROPARC Spain, Fundación Fernando González Bernáldez and OECC (Spanish office for Climate Change).
The purpose of the Seminar is to discuss the “National Plan of Climate Change Adaption”, especially addressing the integration of climate change in the management plans of Spanish Protected Areas. The objectives of the Seminar include:
- facilitate the exchange of experiences and good practices related with climate change adaptation in protected areas
- agree on common criteria for climate change adaptation in protected areas
- underline the role of protected areas in awareness raising activities
Climate change in Protected Areas
The effects of climate change are already evident, and existing models foresee important changes in the climate scenario, which will significantly affect protected areas. However, neither planning documents nor management practice in protected areas still adequately integrate explicit criteria for adaptation to climate change.
In the last year, the Spanish Office of Climate Change and the Fundación Fernando González Bernáldez together with EUROPARC-Spain have been working on the project “Integrating adaptation to climate change in the planning and management of protected areas in Spain”. As a result of the project, based on a review of existing initiatives and a survey of managers and researchers, a proposal was made for the incorporation of climate change into the planning and management of protected areas.
Open call for participants
Until the 25th November, managers, professionals of protected areas and researchers interested in adapting to climate change are welcomed to register. The Seminar will be held in Spanish.