EUROPARC Webinar – Natural benefits: Nature, Health and Protected Areas.
Natural benefits: Nature, Health and Protected Areas.
28th MArch 2017 from 14:00 to 15:15 CET (Central Europe Time)
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The important contribution that nature makes to human health and well-being has long been recognised. But it is only perhaps in the last few years that an evidence base has been established that is medically compelling. This evidence provides new opportunities for protected area and natural environment managers to develop new links with the health sector.
On this EUROPARC webinar, we will further explore how nature and human being interact and we will learn from the existing synergies between nature conservation and health agencies in Europe that work together towards the development of specific plans to keep people healthy through their interaction with parks.
The webinar will be presented by Pete Rawcliffe, Manager of People and Places Unit at the Scottish Natural Heritage, who will give an overview on how people interact, understand, care for, and benefit from protected areas. Pete is also a EUROPARC’s Council member and is involved in the development of the new Commission on Health and Protected Areas of the Federation.
After the introduction, we will have the opportunity to learn from two specific case studies:
Case Study 1: “Our Natural Health Service”, by Bridget Finton.
In Scotland, physical activity and health inequalities are high on the agenda. Building on the foundation of strong cross-sectoral policy recognition of the health benefits from nature and landscapes, Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) is playing a lead role in the development of ‘Our Natural Health Service’. Working in partnership with a range of national and local organisations across the environment, transport, sport, education and health sectors, the initiative will deliver a step change in the contribution of the natural environment to health improvement.
Bridget Finton is a Policy and Advice Officer working on Scottish Natural Heritage’s health and participation agenda since 1993 and has been involved in a range of policy areas including countryside rangers, access rights and responsibilities. Bridget represented SNH at the 2014 IUCN World Parks Congress and presented a Scottish case study in the Healthy Parks Healthy People conference theme.
Case Study 2: “Fitness, Nature & Well-being”, by Mélissa Desbois.
The regional nature parks of the Nord Pas de Calais are working on a collaborative project in the field of outdoor sport and health together with the Regional Institute for Well-being, Medicine and Sport and the Mutualité Française (Health Insurance Fund). It involves countering the trend towards sedentary lifestyles and sets a range of challenges for people to undertake a variety of physical activities outdoors in the natural environments of the parks.
Mélissa Desboiss is Project Manager at Espaces Naturels Regionaux (ENRx), which is a regional federation conformed by the Nord-Pas de Calais Regional Council and 3 Regional nature parks.