EUROPARC at EU Green Week 2017
Green Jobs for a greener future was the thee of the EU Green Week edition of 2017. Between 29th May and 2nd June, hundreds of events were held all over Europe to
put green jobs and skills at the heart of the transition to a circular economy.
On May 31st, EUROPARC President Ignace Schops represented the Federation in the EU Green Jobs Summit, as moderator of the session “Contribution of the EU nature policy to creating new jobs”. Ignace represented the perspective of Protected Areas and shared experiences of EUROPARC members.

Ignace Schops at the EU Jobs Summit, EU Green Week 2017, Brussels
During the session, a new scoping study on Natura 2000 and jobs, as well as other recent activities in the EU were presented. The highlight was the role of Natura 2000 and the protection of biodiversity while creating employment, related either directly to conservation and restoration measures and sustainable production activities; or to the indirect use of natural capital in a range of sectors such as tourism, recreation, health, and education.
Download the full programme here.