Save the Date: 10th Charter Network Meeting
9th Charter Network meeting in Vila Nova da Cerveira, Portugal, 2015 - photo by Vitor Sousa
The Charter network meeting is the gathering of Sustainable Destinations awarded with the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas and is organised every 2 years.
Federparchi – EUROPARC Italy and the Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga National Park will host the 10th Charter Network Meeting, between the 25-28th October.
Following the UN International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, and last year’s earthquakes that devastated this Italian Region, the topic of this year will be “Charter for Sustainable Tourism: Working to support recovery and renewal”.
We will honour the local population and businesses, recovering their homes and businesses towards a sustainable destination. We will learn of the new steps in the life of the Charter across Europe, and show how it can work as a support for the renaissance of marginalised and devastated areas.
EUROPARC invites all members and professionals with an interest in the Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas to join us in this important meeting. The event will take place in Isola del Gran Sasso.
More information will be shared soon.