“The Future of Food and Farming” EU Commission launches Communication
Photo by Skitterphoto on Pixabay
Two days ago, 29th November 2017, the European Commission presented its Communication on the Common Agricultural Policy post-2020: “The future of food and farming”.
Preparatory to the release of this communication, in February this year, the Commission ran a three-month consultation process, resulting in over 320.000 replies from NGOs as well as from individuals. Core demands identified were that
a future CAP shall ensure that efforts for environmental protection and ways to combat climate change must be set as key foci for agricultural innovation
while at the same time supporting farmers in maintaining a fair standard of living.
The Commission Communication faces heavy criticism to be falling short to promote increased, long-term sustainability and environmental NGOs call on the Institutions to put a transitioning towards more sustainable farming models across European agriculture at heart of the upcoming legislative proposals.
EUROPARC will soon release the position of European Protected Areas regarding the Common Agricultural Policy, and provide the EU Commission views and inputs for communication the recently launched.