Protected Area Voices Needed – How to make the most of EU Cohesion Funds post-2020?

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These days European Commission is working on proposals for the EU Budget post-2020. PA managers are called to give their input to match financial priority setting with needs on the ground.

The next Multi-annual Financial Framework (MFF) will set priorities for investments in the context of growing challenges for the EU, and increasing competition for resources between the various policy areas where action needs to be taken. The Commission has launched several on-line public consultations to collect views of all the interested parties and citizens to identify on how to best allocate EU budget to Funds and Programmes. The results of the consultations will inform the preparation of the Commission’s proposals.

As key stakeholders involved in the management of cohesion policy, the European Commission wishes to encourage Protected Area managers, authorities and their partners, to take part in the public consultation on cohesion policy in order to share their views on how to shape the future of this policy.

Have your say:  Promote PA perspectives in the consultation on Cohesion Funds. Public consultations close by the 8th of March!

You can do so simply by responding to the online questionnaire. Please consider that the questionnaire  is accessible in all EU languages.

This introduction will give you some background on the consultation.

Feel free to disseminate further the information regarding this public consultation among your networks, including among direct beneficiaries of cohesion policy.

Your input will be highly appreciated and help the Commission design an effective cohesion policy for the coming decade.
