EUROPARC Youth Manifesto – Implementing Change. Now!

©James Stevens

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This Friday the EUROPARC Youth Manifesto has been out there for exactly three weeks. Calling decision-makers to action. Inspiring youth empowerment and cooperation across generations at local levels. Asking all of us living, learning and working together in parks and rural communities to listen to young people.

Three weeks ago, a diverse group of talented and hard-working young people from all over Europe, pitched their inspiring document to delegates at the EUROPARC 2018 Conference in Cairngorms National Park – a real success! Their clear message:

We are ready to take action and tackle our common challenges together with you – now we need you to respond!

Now, only 21 days after its official launch the Youth Manifesto has gained momentum! First project ideas to implement the Youth Manifesto are right now being discussed in parks and rural areas across Europe. Some of the young ambassadors are travelling around their regions, invited to present the Manifesto. Some have even worked out concrete plans with responsible authorities in their parks and communities, to take action.

The EUROPARC Conference 2018 has marked a promising starting point. Now we need to keep the momentum going: Kick-off is now!

In the upcoming months we’ll keep you updated about the projects implementing the Manifesto all over Europe – providing you with the inspiration and hand-on experience it takes for you to start with your own.

We are already excited to learn about your projects inspired by the Manifesto, so we can connect and make them visible throughout our European network. Feel free to get in touch with us for questions and make sure you keep us posted about your ideas to implement the Youth Manifesto in your area:

Let’s take action for change and co-create sustainable Protected Areas and resilient communities together!

Make sure you follow the EUROPARC Youth Manifesto Project on Social Media and check the Youth Manifesto Website & EUROPARC news page regularly to keep up to date!
