Parks, Communities, Territory and Competences – Federparchi Congress 2018
The IX Congress of Federparchi – EUROPARC Italy
Climate change and the need for sustainable development are intertwined issues that can no longer be avoided. Skills are needed to meet the challenges of the future. This will be one of the main themes of the two days of Federparchi to be held in Rome on 24 and 25 October.
The Congress of the Italian Federation of Protected Areas and EUROPARC Italian Section has as its theme: “Parks, communities, territory, and competences: the challenges of the future for protected areas”. The crossroads between the role of communities, the protection of the territory and biodiversity, the enhancement of skills and the need to have professional profiles able to deal with the new reality, are the lines of understanding for Italian protected areas to be a model of sustainable development, as well as areas of protection and conservation of nature and habitats.
In Italy there are 24 National Parks, 134 Regional Parks, 147 State Nature Reserves, 27 Marine Protected Areas (plus three in the process of being established), and over 360 Regional Reserves.
The Congress will gather representatives from the national and regional parks and the Italian protected areas, but will als count with the participation of the local authorities, environmental and civil organisations, of the scientific research. The meeting will take place in Rome, at the Grand Hotel de la Minerve – Piazza della Minerva 69.
For more information please visit Federparchi Website