“Large Carnivores: the latest updates on the EU Platform on Coexistence”
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and large carnivore coexistence
The Commission legislative proposals for the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2020 provide an opportunity for the EU and Member States, with the input of key stakeholders, to further tailor and design specific measures to support biodiversity and farming systems that deliver environmental benefits. This includes protecting livestock farming from potential damages caused by large carnivores. Financial support to protect livestock against large carnivores and compensate for damages caused, are important elements for reducing impact on livestock and resulting conflict but will not suffice without other communication and exchange actions.
Preliminary information presented to the EU Platform members at their plenary meeting in May 2019, suggests that not all Member States are fully identifying coexistence measures in their Priority Action Frameworks (PAFs), identifying their priorities and funding needs for the implementation of the Nature Directives for 2021-2027. To reduce conflicts related to large carnivores across the EU, it is essential that the European Commission, the Member State managing authorities and the concerned stakeholders on the EU to local level, work together to find solutions and ensure that all the existing funding and support opportunities are taken up. The EU Platform members therefore agreed a statement listing a number of recommendations for the European Commission, managing authorities and stakeholders on how to work together to include relevant measures in their PAFs and in the CAP and national funding.
Update on regional platforms and local platforms on large carnivores
The EU Platform aims to engage with similar regional groupings which focus on conflict around large carnivore presence in different areas in the EU. The two EU-funded projects on the establishment of regional platforms on people and large carnivores work together with stakeholders to discuss issues around large carnivore coexistence on the national, regional or local context. Three regional platforms have been established in Italy, Romania and Spain, while the scoping to establish further platforms has begun in three Member States. In Grosseto, Italy, six interactive workshops were held and joint actions have been agreed and are currently being prioritised (see below for more information). An action plan for implementation is being drafted. Further, an exchange trip was made to Sweden for sharing knowledge on participatory monitoring systems.
In Harghita, Romania, three platform meetings have taken place during which a problem and goal analysis, as well as reflection of the different interests, were carried out. In further three meetings, the platform is discussed concrete actions and how they can be prioritised for the Harghita context.
In Avila, Castile y Leon, Spain three meetings have been held where participants expressed their expectations for the platform and collaboration with other stakeholders and agreed upon a common mission.
You can find the full EU Platform on Coexistence between People & Large Carnivores Newsletter here!