“Sharing know-how”, a manual on international cooperation by EUROPARC Germany
EUROPARC Germany launched a new manual about international cooperation: “Sharing Know-how” – the Manual is not only the output of a 3-years project funded by the German Government – it is an insight on several good practices that are being implemented by European Protected Areas.
The importance of “Sharing Know-how”
Since 1973, EUROPARC believes that European nature is better protected through international cooperation. In fact, nature knows no borders! (which is especially relevant if we think about the geopolitical changes in Europe over the last century). This mindset of international cooperation is a common belief among all EUROPARC Sections, which despite working on topics more relevant to a specific region or country, often create opportunities for their members to exchange experience and learn from abroad.
That is exactly what EUROPARC Germany has done with the project ANNIKA (Actors from National Natural Landscapes in the International Exchange of Competence), that ran from 2015 to 2018 and allowed professionals of Germany’s natural landscapes to learn & exchange best practice through study tours in several European countries.
Looking at the broader picture softens the boundaries in thinking, finds solutions, and clarifies alternatives, possibilities, new approaches and self-perception,
said a participant in the final workshop of the ANNIKA project.
The brochure covers useful and practical cases of Protected Areas from Austria, United Kingdom, Germany, Finland, and the Netherlands on topics such as:
- Regional development and tourism
- Accessibility and inclusion
- Financing Strategies
- Education for sustainable development
- Volunteer management
The publication “Sharing Know-how” is a compilation of practical examples outlined by several authors who took part in visits to protected areas in 2016 and 2017. The manual is available in English and German and serves to continue the focus on international exchange of expertise, experiences and working methods between protected areas professionals.
It is also intended to promote the outcomes of the project. According to EUROPARC Germany, “broadening the horizons through study abroad boosts an intensive method to increase knowledge and competence, provides a helpful distance to self-evidentness and habits, increases motivation through the experience of an international “circle of colleagues”, and allows the establishment of contacts for future cooperation.”
Download the full Manual:
You can also download the brochure only in English or German separately or even ask for a printed version to EUROPARC Deutschland:
English Version – Sharing Know-How
German Version – Wissen Teilen
The ANNIKA project was supported by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) with funds from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).