Seminar-dialogue with the European Commission 2019: Registrations are now open!
After the very positive experience from 2017 and 2018, EUROPARC invites its members again this year to the Seminar-Dialogue 2019. The idea is to bring our members together with the European Commission and to look at the same topics from the ground and from the “Brussels” perspective.
Partnerships for biodiversity: European policies and the role of Protected Areas
The voice of nature will be heard in the European Commission: EUROPARC Federation invites members to join the third Seminar-Dialogue, organised in close cooperation with the DG Environment.
This time the discussions will focus on Natura 2000 management and transboundary cooperation, the role of farmers and tourism businesses in the rural development of Protected Areas, and youth.
Protected Areas will have the opportunity to showcase their achievements and to receive updates and provide their inputs on EU policies and programmes.
The seminar is organised by EUROPARC and the Directorate General (DG) ENVI-Nature Unit, with the expected participation of DG Agriculture, DG GROW (Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs)-Tourism Unit and DG REGIO (Regional and Urban Policy).
The seminar will take place on 28th of October from 16:00 (Pre-seminar meeting and networking dinner for EUROPARC’s participants at EUROPARC Office) and 29th of October from 09:00 to 16:00 (Seminar Dialogue at the DG ENVI), in Brussels.
The detailed program is already available here below. Places are limited but we hope to see many of EUROPARC members in Brussels.
>>>>> Please register HERE <<<<<