Sustainable Tourism: Training for Tomorrow – Discover the free online learning platform
The Erasmus+ project ‘Sustainable Tourism: Training for Tomorrow’ launches a new capacity building tool. This free, online learning platform offers an answer to the key training needs that are currently experienced by professionals working on sustainable tourism in protected areas (PAs). The online platform offers 9 learning modules in 4 languages to acquire those skills.
The free online learning platform is available now
Each of the 9 available ‘Sustainable Tourism Training ‘-modules consists of a short video introducing the topic, key info, inspiring cases and a quiz to assess your knowledge (if successful, resulting in a certificate). The modules discuss themes like ‘reducing impacts’, ‘conservation through tourism’, ‘effective visitor communication’ and ‘social cohesion’.
>>>>visit the official website of the project<<<<
Discover the ‘Sustainable Tourism Training ‘-platform now!
In 2020, the consortium of 6 partners will further extend the platform with new case studies and resources. These additional cases will take into account the results from the Training Needs Analysis and the output of the Multiplier Events (scheduled around February 2020).
Training needs analysis report
The 3 key training needs that were previously identified through the training gap analysis, are:
- tools for monitoring tourism impacts on the environment, economy and communities
- methods to define and measure sustainable tourism indicators
- knowledge of national and international initiatives, networks and specialist groups that support professionals developing sustainable tourism and recreation in and around protected areas
Read more in the analysis report summary.
Erasmus+ project ‘Sustainable Tourism: Training for Tomorrow’
This project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. It aims to increase the quality, supply and accessibility of training in sustainable tourism for Protected Area stakeholders across Europe. The consortium members are: Hasselt University (Belgium); University of Hull (United Kingdom); EUROPARC Federation (Germany), the network of ecotourism professionals (AEE) in Spain, Ente Parchi Emilia Occidentale (Italy) and Montagne de Reims Nature Regional Park (France).