[webinar] Climate Change in Protected Areas: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats

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Climate is changing. Shouldn’t nature conservation adapt and rise to the challenge? This is the second episode of a webinar series on climate change adaptation and protected area management that aims to help protected area managers answer this question.

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats: understanding the situation of nature conservation and European protected areas in a changing climate

You might have seen a SWOT analysis applied in many contexts, but have you seen it applied to climate change? On the 28th of April, we invite you to look at the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of European Protected Areas in a changing climate.

In this second episode of our Webinar series on climate change (see the results of the first webinar here) you will hear the outcomes of the recent work done by the EUROPARC Climate Change Task Force, a key component of the LIFE Natur’Adapt project. Besides sharing best practice, the expert group is developing tools for Protected Area managers to support their efforts of conserving Nature in Europe by improving their interactions (and collaborations) with political decision-makers and governing bodies.


1) Introduction and Outcomes of the Digital Siggen Seminar, by Olivier de Sadeleer, EUROPARC Federation, Belgium

2) Why a SWOT analysis? Elements of context, by Anne-Cerise Tissot, Réserve Naturelles de France, France

3) Understanding the Strengths and Weaknesses of European nature conservation and protected areas in the face of climate change, by Stewart Pritchard, Scottish Natural Heritage, Scotland, UK

4) Understanding the Opportunities and Threats to European nature conservation and protected areas in the face of climate change, by Myrthe Fonck, Puur Water and Natuur, The Netherlands

About NaturAdapt


In Europe, Réserves Naturelles de France, EUROPARC and eight partners have joined forces under a LIFE Climate Action project to turn the climate change adaptation challenge into an opportunity to innovate for nature conservation. NaturAdapt aims to initiate a transition towards adaptive management of protected areas while laying the foundation for a dynamic collective learning process.

If you wish to know more about the project, a brief description is available here

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