Natura 2000 Day & the Global Coalition for Biodiversity
EUROPARC members are responsible for the management of thousands of Natura 2000 Sites across Europe! On the Natura 2000 Day, we make a special call to all our members to join the EU Coalition for Biodiversity Conservation.
The Global for Biodiversity
On the occasion of the World Wildlife Day (3 March 2020), the European Commission launched a new global coalition for biodiversity conservation in Monaco. The Commission is calling on all world Protected Areas, aquariums, botanic gardens, zoos, science and natural history museums to join forces and boost public awareness about the nature crisis.
It is crucial that all of us learn just how real the nature crisis has become. We urgently need to take global action to protect and restore biodiversity.
said the European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginius Sinkevičius, adding: “Otherwise much of the nature we love, and depend on for our food, health, and economy, is in danger of disappearing forever. Like me and my family, millions of people visit natural history museums, botanic gardens, national parks and similar institutions every day. With their collections, education and conservation programmes, they are the best ambassadors to raise public awareness about the crisis looming over all of us, if we do not act now. If our only chance of seeing a species is in these institutions, then we will all have failed.”
What can Protected Areas do?
With the current situation, many Protected Areas have their doors closed or are finding new strategies to re-open, adapting to the new reality. More than ever, it is our chance to show the world the importance of a healthy nature for a healthy society. Humanity is finally becoming aware of the need to take care of our common natural heritage. And millions are waiting impatiently for the time they will be allowed to enjoy their beloved parks and Natura 2000 sites again.
So this is your chance to join the Coalition!
It is simple: World protected areas, aquariums, botanic gardens, zoos, science and natural history museums are being asked to now intensify their communication actions about biodiversity. This means displaying a common message at their entrance, but also engaging in educational and other activities related to the protection and restoration of biodiversity in all its forms. Welcomed by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), this new bigger coalition will be organised by the European Commission and endorsed by the EUROPARC Federation.
Download the Common message to be displayed
The Commission also encourages national, regional and local authorities, non-governmental organisations, businesses, scientists and individual citizens to play their part in raising awareness ahead of the UN Biodiversity Summit. Following the Summit, the focus of the coalition will be on coordinated actions with tangible impact aimed at bending the curve of biodiversity loss.
EUROPARC & Natura 2000
The EUROPARC Federation gathers amongst its members a significant number of the N2000 sites managers – at the local (sites and protected areas), regional (authorities, NGOs) and national (national agencies, ministries) levels. It is assumed that approximately 40% of the current N2000 network is managed by the EUROPARC members. N2000 undoubtedly underpins our strategy and is the focus of most of our activities, from the European strategies and policies to the ground and field management.
Approximately 40% of the current N2000 network is managed by the EUROPARC members