[webinar] Radical Transformational Leadership for Protected Areas & Climate Change

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Radical Transformational Leadership for Protected Areas & Climate Change

Climate, society, natural spaces: the world is calling for a meaningful change. Europe´s protected areas know the urge to adapt, but these transformations depend on our capacity to design approaches that can shift the status quo. As in our last EUROPARC webinars on climate change (check here and here), we looked at practical tools & methodologies for Parks, in this webinar, we invite you to look at the personal dimension of transformation.

Radical Transformational Leadership is a set of tools and templates that allow us to tackle complex problems, including climate change and conservation of natural protected areas. The framework was developed over the last three decades by Dr. Monica Sharma and her team and tested world-wide in the healthcare and human rights sectors. Through this webinar, we introduce the environmental applications of the framework, with first-hand experiences from the USA and Spain.

Our special guests show us environmental applications of the Radical Transformational Leadership framework and illustrate how it can help us develop meaningfully our work in protected areas.

Marta Múgica from EUROPARC Spain will open the session, to show us the importance of sharing knowledge among Protected Area professionals, for co-adaptation to climate change.  Kirsten Gallo from the US National Park Service will present her work in natural parks based on Transformational Leadership framework, over the last 10 years, while Conchi Piñeiro from Altekio (ES) will present her recent experience as trainee and early applications of this work to climate change

The webinar, co-organised with FUNGOBE and EUROPARC Spain, will be held in English and moderated by Bárbara Pais. We aim for a truly interactive experience, so do join us with your camera and microphone.


Kirsten Gallo, US National Park Service

When Kirsten Gallo was a little girl, she wrote a letter to the deer and bunnies in her back yard promising to always take care of them. Decades later, she is taking care of deer, bunnies and so much more as the head of the U.S. National Park Service Inventory and Monitoring Division. She held a variety of positions in the U.S. Forest Service and the National Park Service conducting natural resource monitoring and stewardship of public lands. She holds a doctorate degree in Ecology and has dedicated her career to conserving natural resources and demonstrating interdependence between humans and our environment using transformational leadership techniques.

Conchi Piñeiro, Altekio

Conchi Piñeiro is passionate about how individual, collective and societal changes are interlinked especially in relation with nature. That’s why as group facilitator in Altekio, she enables groups and organisations to find creative ways to respond to our challenges such as climate change, in order to achieve an eco-social transformation. She is also a researcher and trainer on Sustainability, with a PhD in Environmental Education.
