Sustainable Tourism Training for Tomorrow: REGISTER NOW for the event!

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How can we upskill to ensure a sustainable tourism offer that is good for people, good for business and good for nature in the Covid world?

This conference will bring the conclusions of the Erasmus + project “Sustainable Tourism Training for Tomorrow”. You can find out more and join the learning platform here.

Sustainable Tourism is at a crossroads. With the focus on safe and nature-based tourism in demand following the covid pandemic, the sector is challenged to communicate its offers, address new markets and deliver a value-based offer.

As such, those working to deliver sustainable tourism need to stay up to date with new ideas and skills that will enable them to be fit for multiple purposes.

The Erasmus + project “Sustainable Tourism: Training for Tomorrow”, has been working for 3 years building an introductory learning platform. Based on EUROPARC’s Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas, it is full of best practice case studies, knowledge resources, video and quizzes as well as a trainer’s toolkit that will stimulate all to build their sustainable tourism understanding and practice.

The conference will bring in current thinking from sustainable tourism policy and practice to help us consider what we need to do to ensure we have a viable sustainable tourism sector that is part of living working and protected landscapes across Europe.


Draft Programme – Times are approximate

09.00 CET Scene setting

Where in the world are we with Sustainable Tourism?

Carol Ritchie Executive Director EUROPARC Federation

A global perspective on sustainable tourism and the need for skills and capacity building

Anna Spenceley CEO STAND Ltd; Chair IUCN WCPA Tourism and Protected Areas Specialist Group; Director, Global Sustainable Tourism Council

What are Sustainable Tourism training needs? A quick overview of Sustainable Tourism Training for Tomorrow analysis

Elke Hermans, Hasselt University.

How will Sustainable Tourism help deliver the Green Deal? EU policy framework on sustainable tourism, in light of the Green Deal

Cláudia MONTEIRO DE AGUIAR (PT) MEP, Committee of Transport and Tourism; Rapporteur for the EP document “Establishing an EU Strategy for Sustainable Tourism” (approved March 2020)

Making Sustainable Tourism work in the Regions

Manuel Alejandro Cardenete Flores (ES/RE), Rapporteur CoR Opinion “Towards more sustainable tourism for EU cities and regions”, CoR – Committee NAT (nature)

Deputy Minister for Tourism, Regeneration, Justice and Local Administration of the Regional Government of Andalusia

10.25 BREAK

Growing Sustainable Tourism in the post Covid world: Taking care of Business            .

Ramune GENZBIGELYTE-VENTURI, Policy officer- Tourism Unit, DG GROW, European Commission

Sustainable Tourism; Taking care of Nature. Guidance for nature conservation sites for Sustainable Tourism

Sofia Pachini, Policy Officer, Nature Unit, DG Environment, European Commission

The value of training through Erasmus

Alessandro SENESI, Deputy Head of Unit, European Commission – Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture – Youth, Education and Erasmus+ – Erasmus+ Coordination

Training for Tomorrow

Introducing the STTFT learning platform    

Elke Hermans, Veerle Cops. Hasselt University

11.20 BREAK

Tourism business are the backbone of Sustainable Tourism, how are they training for tomorrow, today?

Amanda Guzmán, Director of the Ecotourism in Spain Association.

Sustainable Tourism in the Parks

Two project partners: Montagne de Reims Regional Nature Park in France and Parchi Del Ducato, ENTE DI GESTIONE PER I PARCHI E LA BIODIVERSITA’ EMILIA-OCCIDENTALE, Italy – how training factors into their plans for sustainable tourism

Questions from audience to table of speakers & Audience interaction: What is your experience? How are you training for tomorrow?

Where do we go from here?

Fernando Correia, Hull University

Conclusions and Recommendations 

13.00 END

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