New members! Discover the many new additions to our Network

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Here are the 9 latest additions to the EUROPARC Network. A hearty WELCOME!


UNESCO Chair – Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas

The UNESCO Chair is based at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and aims to provide research and inspiring learning experiences for nature conservation in the 21st century. The program was launched in 1992, to serve as a network for higher education and research institutions all over the world to pool their resources, both human and material, to address pressing challenges and contribute to the development of their societies. Find more information here: UNESCO Chair – Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas.


Federation of Catalonia Nature Reserves

The Pyrénées-Orientales present an extremely rich and varied heritage of flora and fauna. The Federation of Catalonia Nature Reserves was created in 1991 to manage and preserve the nature reserves in that region. From 2007 it coordinates all the work being done in the reserves in order to implement public policies. This includes Grenelle de l’Eenvironnement, regional scheme for biodiversity, departmental scheme of natural areas, threatened species subject to a National Action Plan and many more. Learn more about the role of the Federation here.


Mountain Bike Tourism Forum Germany

Photo by Anatole Serexhe

The Mountain Bike Tourism Forum Germany, based in Leipzig, works for the professionalisation of national bike tourism, tapping into the great potential that this outdoor sport has in Germany.

The forum functions as a space for networking and dialogue between the sustainable development of rural areas and peri-urban recreation opportunities for industry stakeholders.


Thermaikos Gulf Protected Areas Management Authority

The Thermaikos Gulf Protected Areas is located on the west coast of the Thermaikos gulf, place of one of the most important ecosystems in Greece: the wetland complex which includes the Lagoon of Kalochori, the estuary of the Gallikos river, the delta of the Axios river as well as its riverbed up to the border with FYROM, the estuary of the Loudias river, the delta of the Aliakmon river, the wetland of Nea Agathoupoli and the Alyki Kitrous wetlands.

The Thermaikos Gulf Protected Areas Management Authority is based in Chlastra, Thessaloniki, and aims to manage the protected area and preserve its flora and fauna, to promote eco-tourism and sustainable development, to inform and raise awareness of the local community and visitors.

Kalochori Lagoon – Dimos Voudouragakis – Thermaikos Gulf Protected Areas archive


Legambiente Onlus


Legambiente Onlus is an Italian non-profit association that works for environment protection in all its forms. For over 40 years they have been fighting against pollution, illegality and injustice for a better quality of life for people and nature.

The association also works on species at risk conservation: thanks to the work done by the Marine Turtles Conservation Center in the South of Italy, more than 1000 marine turtles have been rescued.

Learn more about it on their website.

Madonie Regional Park

The Madonie Regional Park was created in 1989 and covers an area of 40,000 hectares of natural landscape in the northern part of central Sicily. The area is rich in biodiversity and geological interest. Indeed, it is full of rare plants, monumental trees considered unique in the world, such as the 1000 years old Macchia dell’Inferno’s oak, rich fauna and traditional shepherds. Additionally, the Madonie Regional Park is part of the UNESCO Global Geoparks Network.


Jostedalsbreen National Park

Located in southern Norway, the Jostedalsbreen National Park covers an area of ​​1315 square km between two of the world’s longest fjords, the Sognefjord and Nordfjord. It includes the Jostedalsbreen glacier, which is the largest glacier on the mainland in Europe, other smaller glaciers and surrounding areas full of plant, animal life, cultural monuments and cultural landscapes.


Gran Canaria Island Council

The Gran Canaria Council is the main manager of all Protected Areas, Natura 2000 sites and UNESCO areas of the Gran Canaria Island and has recently created a specialised management body for the ADIM UNESCO area (“Instituto Insular para la Gestión Integrada del Patrimonio Mundial y la Reserva de la Biosfera de Gran Canaria”).


Åsnen National Park 

Located in the southern part of Sweden, in the municipality of Alvesta and Tingsryd,  bordering on the municipality of Växjö, Åsnen National Park consists of 75 percent water and 25 percent land.

Among the Area’s most interesting highlights are the Bjurkärr forest, the beech forest, and the mythical Trollberget (Troll Mountain). The Park offers its visitors many wild beauties and exciting hikes. You can check them out on their website!

Morning light over lake Åsnen

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