Transboundary Parks awarded 2020-2022
Due to a COVID-19 forced break, EUROPARC could not recognise the Transboundary Parks that joined the network in 2020. However, at the award Ceremonies during our Conferences in France and Austria in 2021 we could put the spotlight on the 10 Parks that (re)joined!
In EUROPARC we like to recognise the great work being done, managing our Protected Areas around Europe. After two years, we were finally able to award the Transboundary Parks that joined the network, or renewed their commitment.
Háldi Transboundary Area

Reisa National Park- Ph. R. Benonisen
This area newly joined the TransParcNet”! It is a cooperation between the Finnish and Norwegian Park managers and unites the Käsivarsi Wilderness Area, Reisa National Park and Ráisduottarháldi Protected Landscape. Their verifier states:
Háldi Transboundary Cooperation Area is a contiguous wilderness area, managed in good cooperation to preserve high natural, cultural and recreational values of the most arctic area of continental Europe and in the heart of the Sami Homeland.
You can learn all about them here.
Internationaler Naturpark Bourtanger Moor – Bargerveen
Internationaler Naturpark Bourtanger Moor – Veenland is a unique bog ecosystem. The largest contiguous raised bog in Europe once reached from northwest Germany all the way into the Netherlands. After extensive destruction of the moor towards the end of the last millennium, the cross-border nature park has set itself the task of protecting and developing the remains of this fascinating habitat. But not only the moor areas with their magnificent bird life are waiting to be discovered. Likewise, picturesque river landscapes, purple blooming heather areas and old pastoral forests belong to the very special protected areas of the int. Naturpark Bourtanger Moor – Veenland.
Learn more about the Park here.
Scarpe-Escaut Plain European Nature Park

Owl at Scarpe Escaut, by Moyen Duc.
This Park, which shares a border with France and Belgium brings together the Scarpe-Escaut Regional Nature Park (PNRSE in France) and the Escaut Plains Nature Park (PNPE in Belgium). This territory has maintained a rural and natural character with many meadows, forests and wetlands, but is under pressure from the surrounding urban areas. At the intersection of major urban poles (Lille metropolis, Valencian, Douaisian and Tournaisian poles), its high population density, its industrial, mining, and natural heritage make it an atypical territory.
Learn more about the Park here.
Renewed commitment
Furthermore, the following areas renewed their commitment to this Transboundary network:
- Transboundary Area Julian Alps (IT/SI)
- Bavarian Forest & Šumava National Parks (DE/CZ)
- Krkonoše & Karkonosze National Parks (CZ/PL)
- Podyjí & Thayatal National Parks (CZ/AT)
- Neusiedler See – Seewinkel & Fertö-Hansag National Parks (AU/HU)
- Maas-Schwalm-Nette Nature Park (DE/NL)
- Saxon-Bohemian Switzerland Transboundary Areas (DE/CZ)
We congratulate all these Parks and thank them for their continued dedication to this EUROPARC Programme!